
Big Brother recap: A power shift, paranoia, and the POV results

Britini and Kyland On BB23
A new episode of Big Brother 23 featured Kyland, Britini, and Frenchie. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 23, Episode 6 aired on Wednesday night and this serves as a full recap. CBS viewers finally learned who won the Power of Veto, who Kyland Young really wanted out of the BB23 house, and what happened at the Veto Ceremony.

Following the Nomination Ceremony where Kyland put Brandon “Frenchie” French and Britini D’Angelo on the block, Kyland spoke first in a Diary Room (DR) session, revealing that Frenchie was too much of a chaotic presence in the house. He nominated Britini because she was on Frenchie’s team.

Frenchie said that he would have been disappointed if he wasn’t on the block in Week 2 and claimed everyone else was afraid of him in his own DR session. Brent was then shown expressing how Frenchie was ruining his game in the house.

Britini said that she felt betrayed during her own DR session, and she started crying after the ceremony. Azah took the time to try and console her, while Derek Frazier tried to pump her up and have her put on a strong face in front of the rest of the BB23 cast.

In another DR session, Frenchie claimed that if he won the Power of Veto he would save Britini from the block. He shared that idea with Kyland as well, who didn’t really believe him.

Meanwhile, the rest of the house was pretty content with the nominations, especially since they came from the same team (Jokers).

Frenchie turns on his alliances

A long segment of the episode was spent on Frenchie telling everyone about the Slaughterhouse alliance that he had created. He went around to individuals that weren’t in it to ruin the games of everyone he claimed had turned on him. It was not really a good look for him in the game.

It seemed like a really desperate move, and most of the house had already known how many side alliances that Frenchie had been creating.

A Veto Meeting to decide Frenchie’s fate

Kyland picked Alyssa, Frenchie picked Claire, and Britini picked Derek Xiao to play in the Veto Competition. The six people were then set to play for an extremely important Power of Veto.

A messy BB23 Veto Competition

To win the Power of Veto, the six contestants each played individually and the object was to catch suntan oil (water) being shot by cannons in the backyard. The person to complete the challenge the fastest would win the Veto Competition for Week 2.

The challenge looked pretty difficult and several people had trouble keeping their balance.

But it wasn’t for a lack of trying as the contestants gave their all to the competition.

The Week 2 Power of Veto results

Derek Xiao won the Power of Veto. He is starting to become a real Veto King in the house after also doing it in Week 1.

A segment was then shown where Derek F was trying to energize Frenchie and get him to work hard to stay in the game (they are teammates).

At the Veto Ceremony, Derek decided to keep the POV in his pocket. He had no reason to change the nominations and he kept Frenchie and Britini on the block.

One thing that was not shown during the episode was when Frenchie said he was quitting the game and self-evicting.

During the upcoming Eviction Ceremony, the BB23 cast is deciding to evict Frenchie or Britini.

For readers who want to jump ahead, we already know which Big Brother 23 houseguest is going home.

There are also some updated Vegas odds on who will win the next Head of Household Competition.

For anyone not tuning in to the Big Brother live feeds, there have been some interesting developments over the past week. There are a number of budding Big Brother 23 showmances that could lead to some fun drama.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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