
Big Brother spoilers: Member of BB23 cast threatens to self-evict

Julie Hosting BB23
A Big Brother 23 houseguest may skip their meeting with host Julie Chen Moonves. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother spoilers straight from the live feeds reveal that a member of the BB23 cast has stated that they are going to self-evict and leave the game.

There is a lot of backstory to this situation, though, beginning with Kyland Young winning the Head of Household Competition back on Thursday night.

When Kyland took the power away from Frenchie, the entire dynamic of the Big Brother house shifted. And it wasn’t in a way that was positive for Frankie.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Kyland put Frenchie and Britini D’Angelo on the block. He only put up Britini because she was the only person who wasn’t telling him to nominate Frenchie. Kyland was worried they were aligned.

At the Week 2 Wildcard Competition, an odd thing happened, with the winner choosing not to take safety. It turned out that they only played in the challenge to try to make sure that Frenchie did not win safety.

Then, at the Week 2 Veto Competition, it was Derek Xiao who won the Power of Veto. Frenchie failed to secure the POV and give himself the chance to come off the block. Now, the power is entirely out of his hands within the game.

Frenchie says he is quitting Big Brother 23

On the live feeds, Frenchie has been talking a big game all week. He started out by saying he didn’t even try to win the Wildcard Competition so that a woman could win it. He also said that he would have been disappointed if Kyland didn’t nominate him for eviction.

Amid all of the comments, Frenchie was also still trying to convince people to save him, including one last push on Derek X to get him to use the Power of Veto. But it appears that Frenchie now sees the writing on the wall and is ready to just quit the game and go home.

Then, late Saturday night (July 17) around almost 10:45 p.m. PT (house time), Frenchie told Derek Frazier that he was going to go pack up his things because he was quitting the game. Frenchie reiterated everything by saying that he was going to self-evict.

Derek F tried to beg Frenchie to sleep on it and then the CBS Big Brother live feeds cut out.

When the feeds came back on, all four cameras were on an HOH Room conversation between Kyland, Britini, and Derek X.

Is Frenchie going to self-evict before the next episode?

It’s unclear if Frenchie has quit or if he has been talked out of it, but he certainly hurt the opinion that a lot of viewers are going to have of him when a lot of fans wake up in the morning. We will make sure to pass on any information that can be confirmed overnight.

The opinion of Frenchie was already hurt when he called the rest of the BB23 cast “stupid” in a recent speech to the camera where he asked for his “check” for winning, so this isn’t going to help matters.

Update from Sunday morning: Frenchie spent some time in the Diary Room and it appears that he was convinced to stay in the house. A producer may have spoken to him, or it’s even possible that he was just saying he would self-evict in order to get attention within the game. Either way, he is still in the game, but likely not for long, as the plan is to evict him on Thursday night.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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3 years ago

Need to put your big boy pants on in the big brother house. Not for people
Who can’t think several moves ahead. Needed an old guy in there to set the