
Big Brother recap: A special Friday episode and a new HOH

Derek Frazier Final Four
Derek Frazier made it to the final four for Big Brother 23. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 23, Episode 32 arrived on Friday night. There are only four people left after the Double Eviction episode, where Tiffany Mitchell and Hannah Chaddha got evicted.

This special episode gave Big Brother fans a chance to find out what happened next with the BB23 cast, especially those who won the new Head of Household Competition and were placed on the block.

The final four houseguests are Azah Awasum, Xavier Prather, Kyland Young, and Derek Frazier. All four members of The Cookout have plans on how they will make it to the end.

As a reminder, this Friday episode took place because there is no Sunday episode this week on the Big Brother 23 TV schedule.

Big Brother 23, Episode 32 recap

To start the episode, a lot of additional footage from during the Double Eviction was shown. It included Kyland and Xavier telling Hannah that they were going to vote for her to stay, and then they voted to evict her. It was an odd choice for them to both lied to her face like that when they were the only two voters.

We then learned, at least according to Azah in her Diary Room sessions, that her plan, all along, was to make sure that Hannah got evicted and finished in fifth place this season. It was a shocking revelation, but it made more sense why Azah put Hannah up on the block after she finally won a challenge this summer.

Later, Kyland and Xavier agreed they still have a final two deal, and then they talked to Derek F about still being with them for the final three. Xavier also mentioned that he made his first final two deal of the summer with Derek F, so he had some loyalty to that. No matter what scenario was the most believable, Azah was out on an island.

A new Big Brother HOH Competition

Kyland, Xavier, and Derek F played in an HOH Competition that also had a reward attached to it. The winner would get a special screening of the season premiere for CSI: Vegas, which is a reincarnation of the old CSI show at CBS.

The theme was a BB Crime Lab and the three houseguests had to work through clues and figure out the mental puzzle that had been presented. It was an interesting challenge that did an excellent job at tying to the free publicity for CSI: Vegas.

Xavier Prather won the HOH Competition by having the fastest time. He got to watch the special episode of CSI: Vegas

Who did Xavier nominate for eviction on Big Brother 23, Episode 32?

After securing his spot in the final three, Xavier was tasked with nominating two people for eviction. At this point, the nominations didn’t matter too much, as two people would be on the block and one person would get to vote. If any of those three people win the Power of Veto, they become safe and secure the only vote of the week.

Xavier nominated Kyland and Azah for eviction. That means, so far, that Derek F has the only vote for the week. Everything could shift during the upcoming Veto Competition. Then, someone is getting evicted on the next Thursday night episode (September 23) and heading straight to the BB23 jury house.

More news and notes about Big Brother 23

Tiffany Mitchell has an extended Big Brother exit interview out where she answered more questions after she got evicted from the house. It gives a longer look at what she felt immediately after her time in the Big Brother house came to an end.

Regarding the BB23 cast, there are some rumors that the top five houseguests will all get a cash bonus. That will include the Big Brother 23 winner walking away with $750,000 this summer.

Big Brother 23 airs on CBS during Summer 2021.

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