
Big Brother live feed updates: A busy few days for BB24 cast

Alyssa Week 6 BB24
Alyssa Snider gets to play for the Power of Veto in Week 6. Pic credit: CBS

These Big Brother live feed updates include everything that has happened following the eviction of Daniel Durston.

A lot has been going down inside of the Big Brother house, including a new Head of Household taking power. That has led to another shift in behavior from those people who are not a part of The Leftovers alliance.

Late Thursday night, Taylor Hale won the Endurance Challenge called The Wall. She is now the HOH for the first time this summer, and she was able to rest easy knowing that she couldn’t go on the block this week.

With the power in her hands, Taylor was able to put her own plan in motion, while simultaneously enjoying the fact that Daniel got sent home. She no longer has to deal with his attitude in the house, and she won’t have to see him again until finale night.

In regard to the recently evicted houseguest, Daniel was called out by Kat Dunn for some dishonest claims he was making about Taylor. Kat wasn’t having it in the interview she had with Daniel.

Jasmine Davis, Terrance Higgins, Indy Santos, and Alyssa Snider are now scrambling a bit, but Alyssa is heavily insulated due to her ongoing showmance with Kyle Capener.

A Nomination Ceremony and a big target

At her Nomination Ceremony, Taylor put Terrance and Indy on the block. She wants Terrance to be the one evicted this week, but she has told him that she wants him to win the Power of Veto and take himself off the block.

Terrance continues to talk badly about Taylor behind her back, with the barrage of insults unlikely to end anytime soon. It seems that it takes someone getting evicted to stop going after Taylor this summer.

Players are ready for the veto Competition

The Veto Competition will take place later on August 13, and the players are Taylor, Terrance, Indy, Jasmine, Kyle, and Alyssa. It’s an interesting group of houseguests, meaning that Michael Bruner cannot add to his resume this week.

Michael is getting very close to the top to the list of the most prolific Power of Veto winners in Big Brother history. He appears to be safe again this week, so he could get another shot during the Week 7 Veto Competition.

We are down to just 11 people left competing for the $750,000 prize this summer, and everyone who is left has at least made it to the BB24 jury.

Big Brother 24 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 8/7c, and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.

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