
Big Brother breakdown: Did Matt Klotz waste the BB Power of Invincibility?

Matt In BB25 House
Matt Klotz was a fan favorite on the Big Brother 25 cast. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother fans gave Matt Klotz a shot to play for the BB Power of Invincibility.

And in the challenge, Matt beat out Cirie Fields, Jag Bains, and Cory Wurtenberger.

Given the power, Matt had two weeks to use it on someone getting evicted.

The BB Power of Invincibility could save an evicted houseguest and put them back in the game.

Matt used the power on the first Eviction Ceremony after he attained it, with Cirie nudging him along.

Jag Bains was saved from eviction after getting unanimously voted out, resetting things in the Big Brother house.

But did Matt make the right move?

Did Matt Klotz waste the Big Brother Power of Invincibility?

Some Big Brother spoilers are ahead as Week 5 of the game is examined.

Many Big Brother fans felt Matt should save the power just in case he found himself on the block in Week 5.

Had he not used the power, Jag would have been sent home, and Cameron Hardin would have been kept out of the Head of Household Competition.

The results of a trial challenge might have been different, but the outcome in the BB25 house was Jared Field staking the power.

Matt is safe with Jared, so he isn’t one of the people placed on the block. Matt felt so safe he volunteered to be a pawn.

Jared went with Cameron and Red Utley as his nominees, and Jared stated that Cameron was his primary target.

Cameron won the Power of Veto, saving himself from eviction again.

A Veto Meeting plan and an identical eviction?

Jared and his alliance have plans for the Veto Meeting.

Once Cameron takes himself off the block, Cameron will name Jag as his replacement nominee.

If the plans stay the same, the BB25 cast will vote to evict Jag or Red.

Red has many people who enjoy playing the game with him, even though he is part of some fractured alliances.

And Jag is only going on the block so that he can be sent right out the door.

It appears another unanimous vote to evict Jag is in store for the September 7 Eviction Ceremony.

If that’s the case, then Matt didn’t waste his power. But Matt’s power was only useful enough to give Jag an additional week in the game.

The more important question would be why Cirie pushed so hard to save Jag, only to target him again the following week.

More tidbits from Big Brother

All members of the Big Brother 25 cast get paid. And a $750,000 prize awaits the winner.

The Big Brother live feeds revealed that Jared Fields said the R-word. It came up when he was belittling America Lopez.

Jared’s use of the R-word led to backlash from fans who feel the same Code of Conduct used against Luke Valentine should be applied.

In a shocking move, Cory Wurtenberger pushed his showmance under the bus.

Big Brother 25 airs on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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10 months ago

What is the r-word?

alice lambert
alice lambert
10 months ago
Reply to  Gwen

please get jered off off now, not good for the show, also his mother needs to leave also sick of them both.