
Big Brother 26 spoilers: New target emerging on Live Feeds?

Cedric BB26
Cedric Hodges became the Week 3 HOH on Big Brother 26. Pic credit: Sonja Flemming/CBS

Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds may indicate a shift in the voting strategy for the August 8 episode.

Early on Wednesday, it looked like Kenney Kelley was in grave danger.

Kenney wanted to quit, Tucker Des Lauriers maintained some strong allies, and the house didn’t want to vote out America’s Choice.

America’s Veto was used, and here’s how fans can vote for the third nominee.

The Big Brother fans will decide who sits next to Kenney and Tucker on eviction night.

As stated above, Kenney was about to be given his walking papers, but Tucker has turned more people against him.

Who might now go home at the August 8 Eviction Ceremony?

Kimo Apaka has had a crush on Tucker and indicated such during a recent episode. He even trusted Tucker with the secret about Quinn’s power.

But Kimo saw Tucker and Rubina cuddling late Wednesday (August 7) and immediately went to T’Kor to share the information.

This cast has been extremely worried about showmances and has done what it could to break them up. If rumors float around that Tucker and Rubina are a true showmance now, it could doom them both.

T’Kor has sided with Kimo on nearly everything, so would they switch from letting Kenney go home to taking out the bigger target?

Chelsie, Brooklyn, Joseph, and Quinn are prepared to vote out Tucker. If T’Kor and Kimo joined them, a six-person majority on eviction night could be created.

This all hinges on who America selects to play in the AI Arena Challenge on August 8. If Quinn has to play, things could get complicated.

It’s also important to point out that the people targeting Kenney were planning to come for Tucker next week anyway.

Quinn even stated he would use his power to control things.

More from the Big Brother house

To summarize, America chooses a third nominee on Wednesday night (and Thursday morning).

That new nominee won’t learn they are in danger until host Julie Chen Moonves tells them during the August 8 episode.

A trio of nominees will play in the Week 3 AI Arena Challenge. The winner of that challenge is safe, while the two losers remain on the block.

Eleven houseguests will then vote on who is going home, and Quinn could be in trouble if America puts him on the block. Would his alliance members fear that “secret” power?

Everyone knows about Quinn’s power. That was revealed during a House Meeting (it hasn’t been shown on any episodes yet).

Don’t miss the August 8 episode because things will be spicy.

Here are the August episode dates for BB26. Some times have shifted and a two-hour event is coming.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+. The service also provides some exciting Life Feeds.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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5 months ago

Hopefully Tucker saves himself for the next HOH