
Big Brother 26 spoilers: A houseguest in danger of going home

Cedric Lounging BB26
Cedric Hodges may be in trouble as Week 4 Eviction Ceremony approaches. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 26 spoilers hint at who is going home next.

A new Eviction Ceremony happens during the August 8 episode.

Three nominees will begin the night on the block, but only two will remain after the AI Arena Challenge.

America also has a hand in who might go home this week after Makensy Manbeck used her “secret” power.

New HOH Cedric Hodges nominated Kenney Kelley, Angela Murray, and Tucker Des Lauriers for eviction.

Tucker won the Power of Veto but used it to save Angela from the block. Tucker wanted Cedric to name Quinn Martin the replacement nominee.

Instead, Cedric named Makensy as Angela’s replacement. Makensy then used America’s Veto to gain safety from the block.

During a vote on Wednesday night (August 7), America will choose who replaces Makensy on the block.

The mess also led to an intense House Meeting where Quinn’s “secret” power was revealed.

Spoilers ahead of the August 8 Eviction Ceremony

Kenney, Tucker, and America’s Choice will be on the block during the August 8 episode.

Due to Tucker’s blowups, houseguests have turned against him over the past week. It’s also why some fans have wanted him to be sent packing.

Kenney continuously complained about being in the Big Brother house and how much he missed his family, which also made him an easy eviction candidate.

Meanwhile, houseguests have become nervous about America putting them on the block, even as most say they are ready to vote out Kenney or Tucker.

The BB26 cast largely feels it’s unfair for America to pick a nominee, and many houseguests have stated they won’t vote for that nominee. But things could always change.

Who is going home during the August 8 episode of Big Brother 26?

It could be a close vote, but the house appears to be leaning toward voting out Kenney.

If Kenney and Tucker are on the block after the AI Arena Challenge, Kenney is likely to go home on a 7-3 or 6-4 vote. The vote could also shift if Tucker keeps going after people like he has on the Big Brother Live Feeds.

If Kenney or Tucker wins the AI Arena Challenge, the loser is going home. The BB26 cast appears set on protecting America’s Choice, but could that shift if Quinn Martin gets voted onto the block?

Quinn is about to use his “secret” power, so he is a threat to some of the houseguests.

Angela also has a Week 4 protector. It was a surprising revelation on the Live Feeds.

Meanwhile, the Big Brother fans must vote to nominate someone soon, putting a third houseguest at risk.

Previous episodes of Big Brother 26 are streaming on Paramount+.

Big Brother 26 airs on CBS during Summer 2024.

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28 days ago

The only reason contestants keep saving Angela is because they are being influenced by producers because Angela herself is a plant “Producer”…