
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Bye Felicia? Not so fast

Felicia Cannon on BB25
Big Brother 2023 season featured Felicia Cannon. Pic credit: CBS

Cameron Hardin has told Felicia Cannon that her alliance is working against her.

These Big Brother 25 spoilers come from the live feeds, and he is telling the truth.

Cameron became the Week 6 Head of Household and nominated Felicia and Izzy Gleicher for eviction.

He had more extensive plans of putting Cirie Fields on the block in Felicia’s place, but the Power of Veto didn’t get used.

Felicia was shocked by the news, much like when America Lopez told Cam a vast secret.

And now Felicia is actively campaigning during a week where she had felt safe.

Chaos in the Big Brother house

Jag Bains and Cory Wurtenberger planned to vote out Felicia with the majority alliance.

Jared Fields, Mecole Hayes, and Cirie Fields were looking to protect Izzy by leading the charge to vote out Felicia.

After Cameron told Felicia what was happening and Felicia began campaigning, Jag and Cory talked about possibly flipping the vote.

Cory pulled Bowie Jane aside to do the same, and a plan was born to flip the house on Cirie and Izzy. But will they do it?

Felicia is looking for votes from BB25 houseguests

Felicia is talking to everyone as she tries to stay in the house over Izzy.

That included chatting with Bowie Jane – a person Felicia has continued to attack personally.

Felicia is very hurt by the actions of Cirie, Jared, and Izzy. She learned more about the plan to vote her out, and Felicia lashed out on the live feeds.

More news from Big Brother 25

Cameron created a new alliance in the BB25 house. His game is at risk, and he made a deal to find security next week.

Big Brother fans are also excited about rumors for a winter season of Big Brother. The networks need more content, possibly leading to bonus Big Brother content.

The next Eviction Ceremony happens during the September 14 episode.

Izzy Gleicher or Felicia Cannon is going home. But who will it be? Currently, the house is unsure, and campaigning has ramped up.

The jury stage of the season is almost here, and people will get sent to the jury house instead of going home.

Host Julie Chen Moonves has a jury announcement she will reveal during the next eviction episode.

And as a reminder, here is a link to the new Big Brother 25 episode schedule. CBS had to shift things.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.

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