The first Anti-Nomination Ceremony in Big Brother history just took place.
During a typical season of Big Brother, the Nomination Ceremony is where a Head of Household nominates people for eviction.
But on Big Brother 25, four people were nominated for eviction before the HOH took power.
On Thursday, the BB25 cast crowned its first HOH, giving them the power to save two people from the block.
Many conversations have happened among the houseguests, most involving getting to know one another.
And then there are those rumors about an 18th houseguest joining the party.
Preparing for the Anti-Nomination Ceremony
The HOH could save two people from the block at the Anti-Nomination Ceremony.
Four people were at risk of getting evicted: Jared Fields, Felicia Cannon, Kirsten Elwin, and Cory Wurtenberger.
They wound up on the block by losing those Day One challenges.
Reilly Smedley (the first HOH) had numerous conversations about what she should do, including a long one with Jared’s mom, Cirie Fields.
The Survivor legend has worked hard in the BB25 house, and Cirie has a reliable alliance set.
Below is a video of Cirie speaking with Reilly about what should happen. Some of these new Big Brother houseguests must have missed Cirie on The Traitors USA.
Who was saved from the block on Big Brother 25?
Reilly was allowed to save two people from the block. As a reminder, her choices were Kirsten, Cory, Jared, and Felicia.
The choices might be surprising for live feed viewers who saw the alliance Reilly joined on Day One of BB25. But some Big Brother alliances aren’t built to last.
Reilly saved Jared and Cory.
Kirsten and Felicia were left on the block.
The nominees will play in the first Veto Competition of the season this weekend. And the results will be featured on the August 9 episode.
Reilly followed through with making Kirsten her target for eviction, and now the live feeds could start revealing some drama.
Episode One of Big Brother 25 is available for streaming on Paramount+.
Episode Two debuts on Sunday, August 6 at 8/7c.
There is also a free option to watch the Big Brother live feeds this summer. That’s where a lot of drama is going to play out soon.
And to see Cirie Fields playing on The Traitors, her season is available for streaming on Peacock.
Cirie’s seasons of Survivor are also available for streaming on Paramount+.
Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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