
Big Brother 23 spoilers: Who is final six HOH nominating for eviction?

Julie Chen Moonves BB23 2021
Julie Chen Moonves watched as The Cookout secured the final six spots on Big Brother 23. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 23 spoilers have emerged from the live feeds during the overnight hours and we know who the new Head of Household is planning to nominate for eviction.

During the Big Brother Double Eviction episode on Thursday night, Claire Rehfuss and Alyssa Lopez got voted out of the game. The Cookout succeeded in its goal of making it to the final six intact.

Much of the evening was spent between the final six houseguests rehashing what had taken place this summer as each member of The Cookout shared secrets they had not been able to reveal to their alliance. It included Tiffany Mitchell putting out that rogue vote in Week 1 and Derek Frazier being Whitney Williams’ sounding board.

Once the celebrations had died down, it was time to find out who would be in charge of the game. Kyland Young won the latest HOH Competition, making him the first person to have to take a shot at sending a member of The Cookout to the jury house.

Big Brother 23 spoilers: Who is Kyland nominating for eviction?

Kyland has already been hosting one-on-one meetings where it looks like his intentions have become known. It started out by promising Derek Frazier that he would not see the block this week, which likely makes Derek F the second person guaranteed a spot in the final five.

There were also moments Kyland spent with Xavier Prather where they bonded more strongly and that will also likely lead to Xavier being 100 percent safe for the week.

As of now, it looks like Kyland is nominating Tiffany Mitchell and Hannah Chaddha for eviction. If one of them comes off of the block due to the Power of Veto, that would make Azah Awasum the replacement nominee.

Kyland’s eviction target on Big Brother 23

Though Kyland has had some good talks and a few nights in the HOH bed with Tiffany, it appears that Tiffany has become the target for eviction this week. If she doesn’t win the Power of Veto, this could mean Tiffany is heading to the BB23 jury house next Thursday night.

According to the Big Brother schedule, next week is also another Double Eviction episode, meaning Tiffany wouldn’t be going to the BB23 jury alone if she does indeed get voted out of the game.

The next new episode for the Big Brother 2021 season is at a different time on Sunday, September 12, so all fans should make sure to double-check the TV schedule shared in the last paragraph. We also have a special Friday night episode and a Sunday with no Big Brother coming up in September.

Kyland’s Nomination Ceremony will take place at some point on Friday (September 10), where he will likely be breaking the bad news to the ladies. Before any of that happens, Kyland does plan to have meetings with Tiffany and Hannah again, so it’s also possible that things could change based on their pitches.

Big Brother 23 airs on CBS during Summer 2021.

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