This week on Altar’d, Natifah and Reggie are looking to lose weight and transform their lifestyles before they get hitched.
The couple weight over 500-lb between them and are keen to lose some of it before their big day.
They anticipate that radical weight-loss could improve both their relationship and their quality of life.
Both also have a history of high-blood pressure and other weight-related illnesses in their families, so it’s about their health too.
But as our exclusive clip below shows, Reggie isn’t doing enough.
Altar’d follows six engaged couples as they try and get in shape before they tie the knot. Three months before the big day they meet up with fitness experts Chris Marhefka and Erin Stutland, in a bid to lose the weight.
However, what none of them know is that they will be separated for the whole 90 days of intensive training before being reunited at the alter.
Will all the couples make it to the alter or will the process itself change their life goals?
Watch Altar’d Tuesdays at 8pm ET/PT on Z Living network.