Homestead Rescue on Discovery tonight takes us to one of the most beautiful parts of the United States, Hawaii — except there’s major trouble in this lush paradise.
Rarely talked about stateside are Hawaii’s frequent killer flash floods. Tonight we see how living in paradise comes with a hefty price for one couple caught unaware.
Intrepid homesteaders and professional kite surfers Kristin and Sky Solbach bought 1.2 acres of jungle land in Hawaii after selling their home.
They spotted a charming stone-filled stream and decided to build their off-the-grid oasis deep alongside it. But they were admittedly “naive” about where they erected their house.
Our exclusive Homestead Rescue clip below demonstrates how mountain rains can turn their harmless looking stream into a raging torrent in a matter of seconds.
People in Hawaii die from flash floods every year, and it’s only so long before one big enough comes along and destroys the Solbachs’ home.

The couple’s problem sees Homestead Rescue stars Marty, Matt and Misty Raney converge on the property while the tropical rainy season is in full swing.
Marty explains: “It’s unique here, because in the middle of an ocean mountains stick up and serve as magnets that draw clouds from all directions.
“When those mountains attract those clouds, it’s gonna rain and it’s gonna rain hard…one [flash flood] will come that will take that house downriver. It’s gonna happen.”
The race is on to protect the Solbachs’ home — but will they succeed?
Homestead Rescue air Wednesdays at 9pm ET/PT on Discovery.