Dark Net looks at online extremism with Alt-Right, Al-Qaeda and White Nationalists

Dark Net White Nationalists
Dark Net examines online extremism and radicalisation, Christian Picciolini (L) was the founder of a radical group

This week Dark Net delves into the murky world of online propaganda in the shape of Alt-Right, Al-Qaeda and White Nationalists.

Over the last few years the media has been full of stories about online radicalisation of all kinds and more recently the phenomena of fake news and extreme Alt-Right news has caught the attention of both politicians and media companies.

Indeed fake news has become such a problem that tech companies like Google and Facebook are investing a lot of time working out how to filter it out or at least to verify genuine news outlets.

Dark Net features some interesting interviews with people who were heavily involved in spreading online hate and radicalising their audience.

Christian Picciolini was one of the founders of the American White Power movement and admits openly that he believed statements like: “Black people are animals, Jews control the media and financial system and the entertainment industry and immigrants are flooding into our country and destroy our society and take away our jobs and eventually to commit genocide on our race .

Christian Picciolini
Christian Picciolini now preaches a different message and regrets the seeds of hate he sowed

However, he has since seen the error of his ways and now he regrets the violence he caused and even more he regrets the seeds of hate that he sowed. Now Picciolini works to spread a different message and he tries to find the weeds that have sprouted from his previous work.

Likewise an American former Al-Qaeda recruiter talks about how he had so much success online recruiting for the jihadis and how he came to be de-radicalised.

This episode also looks at the case of the teenage girl posting white nationalist YouTube videos and the Alt-Right promoter who tries to enthuse people for a real world rebellion.

Last week Dark Net examined the rise of virtual currencies like Bitcoin and their impact on culturally and economically.

Dark Net airs on Thursdays at 10:00 PM on Showtime.

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