Big Brother spoilers from the last 24 hours before the Eviction Ceremony involved a lot of chatter taking place on the live feeds. Some of it revolves around Tommy Bracco and Holly Allen trying to make deals to save themselves.
Tommy and Holly have offered Nicole Anthony and Cliff Hogg the world. Nicole and Cliff are the only ones who get to vote at the upcoming Eviction Ceremony and they are planning to make a united vote.
It might be hard for Nicole and Cliff to figure out just who is lying the most in this situation. The promises that Holly and Tommy seem almost too good to be true.
upstairs, Jackson basically said (again) he'd rather lose to someone who deserves it than win over someone lame – downstairs, #Bething pic.twitter.com/1KAehgdvD1
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) September 12, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: Tommy offers to throw competition
Tommy told Cliff and Nicole that he will throw the Head of Household Competition so that they can win it on Thursday night. He also promised to play for the Power of Veto and only use it as they tell him to do so.
With this plan, it would be a way to get Holly out this week and then Jackson Michie next week. But that only works if Tommy is telling the truth and Jackson doesn’t win the POV.
Big Brother spoilers: Holly offers to finish fourth place
Holly has stated that she just wants to make it to the final four and is willing to get evicted next week. She wants one more week in the BB21 house before getting sent to jury.
Holly’s deal is even less believable than Tommy’s, as she wants Cliff and Nicole to believe that she only wants seven more days in the game. It seems highly unlikely that she would stick to this deal.
Holly is listening in on Nicole and Tommy's conversation #BB21 pic.twitter.com/5fLtfglAgs
— Big Brother Daily (@BB_Updates) September 12, 2019
The Eviction Ceremony on Thursday night (September 12) is going to set the tone for the rest of the season. The choice that Cliff Hogg and Nicole Anthony make is going to lead to a very bitter juror. Whether it is Tommy Bracco or Holly Allen heading to the BB21 jury next, they won’t be happy about it.
Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
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