Big Brother spoilers come directly from the Episode 35 recap on Thursday night. The September 12 episode was a really important one for the BB21 cast, as it was going to take the cast down to just four people left competing.
During the previous episode, Nicole Anthony was shown winning the Golden Power of Veto. Jackson Michie was the Head of Household and he had nominated Cliff Hogg and Tommy Bracco for eviction.
Nicole chose to use the POV to save Cliff, forcing Jackson to put Holly Allen on the block. It created a situation where either Holly Allen or Tommy Bracco would be sent to the BB21 jury at the next Eviction Ceremony.
We're in the Final Weeks of #BB21 and every eviction matters! RT if you're ready for tonight! pic.twitter.com/FxahH9iJda
— Julie Chen (@JulieChen) September 13, 2019
Big Brother Episode 35 recap
Following the narrator rehashing everything before the Veto Ceremony, it was time to start showing people making deals. Over the past four or five days Holly, Tommy, and Jackson have worked hard to make new final four deals.
Tommy pulled Nicole and Cliff aside to tell them that he knew Christie Murphy before coming on the show. He told them that he wanted to tell his side of the story because he feared that Jackson would tell them first.
Cliff brought up the conversation to Jackson and Holly while in the kitchen, and Jackson took the chance to speak how badly it was that Tommy had a “family member” in the jury already. Cliff was definitely shaken up.
After Jackson offered his own deals to Cliff and Nicole, he was shown in a Diary Room session stating that he was going after them, whether it was Holly or Tommy sent out the front door.
#BB21 (show) Michie DR – If holly stays or doesn't stay, it doesn't matter. I am gunning for cliff and Nicole pic.twitter.com/z8IydtQZCQ
— #BBCAN8 Live Feeds (@BBCAN8LiveFeeds) September 13, 2019
Big Brother spoilers: Eviction Ceremony
As the Eviction Ceremony was about to start, host Julie Chen Moonves stated that there was a House Meeting when the feeds were down today, where Tommy and Jackson fought. No footage was shown before they got to the vote.
Cliff Hogg and Nicole Anthony both voted to evict Tommy Bracco.
Now, Tommy heads to meet with Julie before he heads to the jury house. Part of that interview was shown, where Tommy noted that Jackson came up with a huge lie to get Cliff and Nicole to turn against him. Footage of that will be shown, in full, during Sunday night’s episode.
That’s the end of the Big Brother Episode 35 recap but not the end of the action tonight. The next Head of Household will be crowned on the live feeds. We have a live recap going on where readers can find out everything as it happens.
Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
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