
Big Brother recap: Luxury Competition, Veto winner revealed

Jackson At BB21 Noms
Jackson Michie during Big Brother 21 Nomination Ceremony. Pic credit: CBS/YouTube

The Big Brother recap from Wednesday night (September 18) covers who won the Veto Competition and what took place before that. It was time to reveal who might take power away from the current HOH.

During the last episode, it was revealed that Nicole Anthony had won the Head of Household Competition. But she won it because Holly Allen decided to throw it. She may have won it on her own, but we will never know for sure.

Holly started the episode whining about her decision to throw the Head of Household Competition. As a reminder, she had volunteered to throw the Veto Competition as well.

Big Brother recap: Season 21, Episode 37

A lot of time was spent showing the deals made and how they were evolving. All of them had a final four deal, then Jackson and Holly offered to sacrifice Holly so that Cliff Hogg and Nicole would vote out Tommy Bracco.

Jackson and Holly had no plans to full honor that deal, and they continued with those thoughts when Cliff talked about the final two deal he had made with Jackson. Cliff told Jackson that he had agreed to Jackson saving him, but that he was going to take Nicole to the final two.

Cliff and Nicole also approached Holly. They told her she could play for the Power of Veto if she agreed to use it to vote out Jackson if she ended up winning it. Cliff was suddenly under the impression that he had a way to get to the final two with everyone. He didn’t.

Luxury Competition

The four houseguests got to play in a Luxury Competition where they went around the house and tried to figure out what producers had changed. That included plants exchanged and images altered. Former houseguest Ovi Kabir was on hand, making it a fun moment in the house.

Jackson won the Luxury Competition and got to take home a nice $10,000 prize.

Veto Competition

The final four people played for the Power of Veto. It was the last Veto Competition of the summer. It involved answering questions about houseguests from the summer and firing balls at pictures of their faces in the backyard.

It was a timed competition that they did individually. It was a dramatic reveal to show who had won the most critical Veto Competition of the summer. Jackson won the POV.

Jackson was very pleased with winning and stated in a Diary Room session that he was taking Holly to the finals. That probably wasn’t surprising news to anyone other than Cliff Hogg.

As the episode started wrapping up, Cliff was still confident he was going to the final three with Jackson and Nicole.

That brings an end to the Big Brother recap for Season 21, Episode 37. The Veto Ceremony is live on Thursday night. Don’t miss it, as it will set the table for the Eviction Ceremony!

Big Brother airs new CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

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