The Big Brother 21 recap from Episode 32 on Thursday night (September 5) reveals everything that took place during the Double Eviction night. It was an exciting night for the show, leading to the final five houseguests.
On Wednesday night, it was revealed that Tommy Bracco won the Power of Veto, giving him the shot to save Christie Murphy from the block. HOH Jackson Michie then put Cliff Hogg on the block next to Jessica Milagros.
The Double Eviction episode would start with the houseguests voting on whether to send Jessica or Cliff to the BB21 jury. It was set up to be an exciting night for the show.
Before getting to the first Eviction Ceremony, some footage of Jackson, Holly Allen, and Cliff cementing their final four deal (with Nicole Anthony) was shown.
RT if this is you right now! ? #BB21 pic.twitter.com/H90s6uHVYY
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) September 6, 2019
First Eviction Ceremony
Jessica Milagros and Cliff Hogg were on the block for the first eviction vote of the evening. In a unanimous vote of 4-0, Jessica was evicted from the Big Brother house.
First HOH Competition
During the first Head of Household Competition of the night, five houseguests battled to put a puzzle together. Jackson had to sit it out as the last HOH. Nicole Anthony became the HOH.
puzzle part is to build the lane surface pic.twitter.com/sJFbocya8w
— hamsterwatch (@hamsterwatch) September 6, 2019
Who did Nicole nominate for eviction?
At the Nomination Ceremony, Nicole went with Tommy and Christie as her nominees.
Veto Competition and Veto Ceremony
Cliff Hogg won the Power of Veto. He kept the nominees the same at the Veto Ceremony
Second Eviction Ceremony
During the second live vote and eviction of the night, three houseguests had to decide whether it was going to be Christie or Tommy heading to the BB21 jury. They each spoke with the hope of being saved before the vote happened.
Jackson, Holly, and Cliff all voted to evict Christie. By a 3-0 vote, Christie Murphy was evicted from the Big Brother house.
That brings an end to the Big Brother 21 recap for Episode 32. There was no new Head of Household decided before the episode came to a close. It will likely get revealed on the live feeds at a later time.
Big Brother airs new episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
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