
Big Brother 22: Daniele Donato-Briones answers HOH questions for fans

Big Brother 22 Head of Household Daniele Donato-Briones answered some questions for fans. Each time a new HOH takes power in the house, they participate in a question-and-answer session from the HOH Room. This one happened during a really interesting week of the show, with Dani having to nominate four different people this week. On


Big Brother 22: HOH promises safety to both nominees in odd move

The Big Brother 22 Head of Household has promised safety to multiple nominees this week. There are going to be a few spoilers from the live feeds presented in this article, so be aware of that as we present the interesting strategy that Daniele Donato has undertaken this week. Dani has promised safety, protection, and


Big Brother All-Stars spoilers: Who is getting sent to BB22 jury?

Big Brother All-Stars spoilers from the live feeds have revealed the first member of the BB22 jury. The votes are already in place following the Veto Meeting, and there might not be much that could change the situation. CBS viewers just learned that Daniele Donato won the Head of Household Competition and that she then


Big Brother 2020 spoilers: Veto Meeting creates more chaos for BB22 cast

Big Brother 2020 spoilers about the Veto Meeting just showed up on the live feeds. Fans of the show finally have some real answers about the Power of Veto this week. There had been a lot of conjecture about whether or not the Veto winner was going to use it. There were also a number


Big Brother 22: Bayleigh Dayton is home, posts picture with new car

Big Brother 22 cast member Bayleigh Dayton has made it home and is now reunited with her husband Swaggy C (Chris Williams). Bayleigh was just evicted from the Big Brother house in a unanimous vote and she has been very busy with interviews since she left the game on Thursday night. In an interview with


Big Brother 22 spoilers: Is the Power of Veto going to be used?

Big Brother 22 spoilers about the Power of Veto have been coming out since the latest competition ended on Saturday. The biggest question now, though, is whether or not the POV is going to be used this week. A quick recap of the past 48 hours begins with Bayleigh Dayton getting evicted and then Daniele


Big Brother 2020 spoilers: Who won the Power of Veto today?

Big Brother 2020 spoilers from the live feeds reveal who won the Power of Veto today. The BB22 cast members just got finished playing another competition inside and it is going to lead to an interesting Eviction Ceremony next week. Daniele Donato is the Head of Household this week after winning an intense Endurance Challenge.


Big Brother Double Eviction: Are two people going to BB22 jury this week?

A Big Brother Double Eviction is expected by many houseguests to take place this week. It is a constant topic of conversation with a high number of the BB22 cast members worried that the episode could get chaotic. The week has already started off in a very chaotic fashion, with the new HOH naming some


Big Brother 22 spoilers: Did a BB Basement power just get used?

Big Brother 22 spoilers about the BB Basement powers reveal some interesting news. One of the powers has also become an extremely hot topic of conversation in the house because it just got used. Much like when Kaycee Clark was the Hacker on the BB20 cast and turned the house on Scottie Salton by accusing