Jill Duggar swimsuit picture has broken all of the rules: Why is bathing suit so controversial?

Jill Duggar in her swimsuit
Jill and Derick Dillard enjoying spending time together Pic: Instagram

A picture of Jill Duggar wearing a swimsuit has shocked the 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On fan base.

The Duggar family has a strict set of rules for how the women must dress, with nothing revealing allowed. The female members of the family are supposed to wear tops with sleeves and have below-the-knee skirts on at all times.

But after decades abiding by the rules, those Duggar children who have gotten married are a little more free with their choices.

Recently, Derick Dillard posted a photo of Jill Duggar and their children in a pool. She was wearing a normal swimsuit, but it didn’t cover her shoulders and left her arms completely exposed.

There was a collective gasp among Duggar fans, especially because Jill and Derick are on the more conservative side compared to her sisters who have also gotten married.

Wearing a swimsuit isn’t usually a big deal, but for Jill Duggar it is huge. The Duggar girls used to dress like they were going for scuba lessons when they would hit the beach. Everything had to be covered up.

Critics of the family have condemned the rules for years, especially after the molestation scandal broke in 2015. Having the women feel the sole burden for any “temptation” is a heavy one to carry.

That’s why seeing Jill Duggar let loose and enjoy time in the pool with her children has got everyone talking. This was a small victory for the Duggar daughter, especially considering how outspoken and conservative her husband is.

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