Jamie Otis suffers failed miscarriage, MAFS star ‘devastated’: What is a failed miscarriage and how is it treated?

Jamie Otis and baby Grace on Instagram
Jamie Otis takes comfort in her baby girl after learning she miscarried baby number two. Pic credit: @jamieotis/Instagram

Jamie Otis was quick to announce her pregnancy with baby number two and after a couple weeks of updates, she’s now sharing some very sad news. After having some concerns about the progress of her pregnancy, Jamie has shared that no heartbeat was detected and that she has suffered a failed miscarriage.

Otis hit the 10 week mark in her pregnancy on Friday but in her weekly progress report, she shared her worries with fans. In her lengthy post, Jamie revealed that she was headed in for an early ultrasound the following day but that it was just supposed to calm her fears.

Sadly, the news simply confirmed what Jamie was hoping not to be the case, that there still was not a heartbeat detected and that while the amniotic sac continued to grow, the baby did not.

“So thankful for this little one and her daddy,” Jamie wrote on Instagram. “Our doc appointment didn’t go well today.”

From there, Jamie explained what a failed miscarriage is and what choices she had to make after learning that she had miscarried again.

What is a failed miscarriage?

Also called a missed miscarriage or a silent miscarriage, this is when the fetus stops growing inside the womb but there are no outward signs of a miscarraige.

As Jamie revealed to her fans, she had some bleeding from weeks 6-8 and even had some mild cramping but in many pregnancies, this can be normal and doesn’t mean anything bad.

She waited until further in her pregnancy to check for the baby’s heartbeat because in many cases, no heartbeat can be detected for the first six to seven weeks anyway, depending on the actual date of conception.

Though she worried, as many pregnant women do, Jamie Otis even told her Instagram following that she was staying positive as she waited for the vaginal ultrasound to confirm what was going on. She expected to see a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat.

What happens after a failed miscarried?

When the fetus stops growing and developing but isn’t expelled naturally via miscarriage, it usually means the woman has a few options in order to help her body to expel the tissue and miscarry.

Jamie explained that she was given three options. “1) Wait for my body to miscarry our baby naturally. 2) Go to the hospital and have a D&C. 3) Take medication to help my body miscarry quicker.”

Wanting to avoid the invasiveness of a D&C, she opted to take medication to help move the process along.

Even in the midst of this personal tragedy, Jamie made sure to thank her fans for being so supportive. She also said she planned to stay in bed for the day while her heart heals.

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