Oscar nominee Daniel Kaluuya breaks down Black Panther’s righteous cause

Daniel Kaluuya is nominated for a Academy Award for his role in Get Out. Before the Oscars are announced on March 4, he’ll be on movie screens again in Black Panther. (Read our review of Black Panther.) Black Panther stars Chadwick Boseman as the title hero. Kaluuya plays W’Kabi, head of security for the Border

Why Tom Hiddleston and Eddie Redmayne don’t sound like themselves in Early Man

Often when celebrities provide the voices for animated characters, they sound exactly like their famous selves. Even Shrek is reminiscent of Mike Myers’ famous Scottish characters. Tom Hiddleston and Eddie Redmayne don’t sound anything like themselves in Early Man. The animated film from the creators of Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run, Early Man stars

Why Black Panther’s African accent was so important to Chadwick Boseman

Black Panther was the first black comic book superhero. Now he’s finally getting his own movie (read our review) after Chadwick Boseman portrayed him in Captain America: Civil War. King T’Challa (Boseman) is from the fictional African country of Wakanda. So when he speaks, Boseman wanted him to have an African accent. “When you’re trained

Chitoka’s ‘freedom’ surgery day arrives on Family By The Ton

Tonight’s season finale of Family By The Ton is a lead up to Chitoka’s weight reduction surgery that she has been hoping and working towards. “This surgery represents freedom, a freedom I haven’t had in a long time,” she says. Her entire family appears at her home as she is heading to the hospital. Cousin

Why Tom Lennon was in excruciation pain while filming A Futile and Stupid Gesture

Fans of the glory days of National Lampoon and Saturday Night Live can relive the landmark ‘70s comedies in Netflix’s new movie A Futile and Stupid Gesture. Tom Lennon plays Michael O’Donoghue, a National Lampoon writer who was one of the original SNL cast members. Lennon performed the famous Wolverines sketch, in which John Belushi