
Will Teresa Giudice or Melissa Gorga be fired from RHONJ? Andy Cohen weighs in

Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga on RHONJ Season 13
Teresa and Melissa’s feud has their future on RHONJ in question. Pic credit: Bravo

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 13 finale has fans buzzing that either Teresa Giudice or Melissa Gorga needs to go before Season 14.

Andy Cohen has weighed in on that hot topic as the RHONJ family feud appears unmendable.

For years, Teresa has been fighting with her brother Joe Gorga and sister-in-law, Melissa.

The Season 13 finale put a nail in the coffin of the family relationship, with the siblings no longer speaking.

That brings up a lot of questions regarding Season 14 amid The Real Housewives of New Jersey being put on pause.

Now Andy has weighed in on Melissa and Teresa’s future on the show.

Andy Cohen weighs in on Teresa Giudice or Melissa Gorga RHONJ firing

This week Andy stopped by the Two Ts In A Pod podcast to dish all about his new book, The Daddy Diaries. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum Teddi Mellencamp and The Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge didn’t hesitate to get all the tea from Andy.

In a game of Plead the Fifth, which Watch What Happens Live fans know is one of Andy’s games, Tamra and Teddi brought up the RHONJ drama.

“One has to go. Melissa or Teresa?’ Teddi wanted to know.

Andy replied, “Well, we’re figuring that out right now, but I plead the fifth.”

We are not surprised by his answer at all. Andy keeps a lot of details from the show close to the vest.

There’s no question that logistically filming the show will be challenging, especially if Melissa and Teresa won’t film together. Season 13 only saw them in group settings, but even that brought out the most heated, explosive blow-ups.

This week Teresa set the record straight on whether she wanted to leave the show. Melissa previously spoke out on the subject too.

Andy Cohen thinks Teresa Giudice and the Gorgas are done

After filming The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 13 reunion show, Andy had a lot to say. As Monsters and Critics previously reported, Andy nearly walked off stage because he lost his mind, and things got that bad.

On a recent episode of Watch What Happens Live, Andy was recently asked if he felt there was a chance Teresa, Melissa, and Joe would ever mend their rift.

“I don’t think it’s gonna happen,” Andy revealed.

That seems to be the consensus, too, as most of the RHONJ cast have been on WWHL and shared the same sentiment.

Andy Cohen has pled the fifth on whether Melissa Gorga or Teresa Giudice will be fired from The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

What do you think? Should Teresa or Melissa be fired, or both stay on the show?

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on Bravo. Seasons 1-13 are streaming on Peacock.

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1 year ago

Theresa should be fired she is the real trouble maker. Pertained I feel both should be fired if they want to keep one they should keep Melissa Gorga and Joe Gorga.I like him he is a good guy and brother.

Helen B
Helen B
1 year ago
Reply to  Jody

I think Teresa needs to go. I’m so over her diva attitude and her daughter Gia is just like her. She should have been fired when she became a convicted criminal. I’m sure they thought the ratings would be higher keeping her, but personally I hated seeing her. If they get rid of Melissa, I’m done with the show. Also, I’d rather see Jackie back in place of Jennifer Aydin. She’s just riding the coat tails of Teresa.

Michelle Hyatt
Michelle Hyatt
1 year ago
Reply to  Jody

Teresa should have been gone years ago.

cynthia pruce
cynthia pruce
1 year ago

I think Teresa should be fired. She hasn’t fit in with the other ladies for years. Her new husband showed his true colors when he said he had hired a PI. He said he had shit on all of the cast and then tried to back off of what he said. His effort to intimidate and threaten the cast with this revelation should be grounds to fire he and his new bride.

Theo Veclotch
Theo Veclotch
1 year ago
Reply to  cynthia pruce

Teresa should go! She never owns up to anything she does even when she’s caught in lies. After ten years I’m over it. If it’s about the drama the other ladies are capable of providing it. If she comes back I won’t watch. Bring back Kathy and the Manzo’s!

1 year ago
Reply to  cynthia pruce

Well stated! Also, Louie threatened nearly all of the cast at the reunion. I hope when they fire teresa & louie they make it clear that blackmailing and threatening are the reason they are letting them go

1 year ago

Get rid of toxic Teresa. You know that her thing with Luis will blow up, he’s a thug. Joe and Melissa are hard-working and a sweet family trying to keep the kids out of drama — let them shine. We don’t all want to see dumb, criminal and petty all the time. Just hope Melissa leaves her face alone.

Linda Kennedy
Linda Kennedy
1 year ago

Please get rid of melissa and Joe they are sooooo boring! The only storyline they have is fighting with our OG Teresa.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Kennedy

Melissa and Joe would have no storyline if Teresa leaves! Teresa is a show by herself. Love her.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ann

yes yes yes and yes if Teresa goes so does the show I would love a spin off of Teresas life and her new hubby

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Ann

I totally agree.

Debbie Meek
Debbie Meek
1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Kennedy

Teresa is a POS and Luis is a thug. Melissa and Joe never get a chance to have their own story line because that narcissistic witch Teresa needs everything to be about her and her God awful Love Bubble. Everything on that show anymore is about BS drama that Teresa and Jennifer start those two are made for each other. They are trash period!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Kennedy

so true

Mary jo Geddes
Mary jo Geddes
1 year ago

They both need to go

1 year ago

I feel Teresa is the one to go. If you notice she did everything to try & frustrate Melissa. At the events never include Melissa as part of her cherished family. Her house party.. her bridal shower.. in Ireland as Melissa sat quietly trying not to get into a confrontation with Teresa or Louie. Delors’s Irish party she just couldn’t take anymore when Danielle brought her the cheating rumor .. letting her know it has been told to her by the real villain Jen.. also Melissa knew it started with Teresa & Louie.
So after all these seasons of her cruel .. nasty behavior toward Joe & Melissa & over the years & almost everyone in the cast including Jen (I guess she forgot that).
Teresa has to GO please.
Give her a spin-off if necessary I can choose not to watch her & her BS.

1 year ago

Theresa needed to go. Can you imagine the explosion now that Louie has shown his true colors? Two people are living in the same with violent tempers. I for one do not want to watch that.

1 year ago

Melissa and Margaret should be fired! Teresa and her family have always been great on the show. I can’t stand to even watch it now with Melissa, Joe and Margaret.

1 year ago
Reply to  Elisa

right Melissa makes me sick and since Marge showed up she has made things worse

1 year ago
Reply to  Elisa

I totally agree

Jo G
Jo G
1 year ago

Tre needs to go.

Patricia Soos
Patricia Soos
1 year ago

Theresa should go!!! Her husband seems to be on something and Gia well, she’s getting a little to big for her britches along with her sister, Theresa should have been a mother, but she is a horrible mother. Jennifer Aydin is up her butt so far she could kiss Theresa’s plastic lips.

Last edited 1 year ago by Patricia Soos
Amy crosser
Amy crosser
1 year ago

I think Teresa should be fired too. this fame has gone to her head. I feel like she thinks that she is the boss of the housewives but here’s the thing Andy Cohen is smart and he sees things that we don’t see. I am teammelissa all the way, but whatever choice he makes ultimately, I’m team Andy

Amy crosser
Amy crosser
1 year ago

Also, I am a big Dolores fan but I feel like her loyalty to Teresa hold her back. She’s supposed to be some big badA.. , but when it comes to Teresa, she continually backs down, and I don’t think Teresa being on the show is allowing us to get to know the real Dolores

1 year ago
Reply to  Amy crosser

I agree, last night on the reunion she clearly had information about her son leaving his job with luis but she refused to say a word. As they say in the bravo world,”she wasn’t speaking her truth”

1 year ago
Reply to  Sam

She said what she said because she was being a true friend….

E Golding
E Golding
1 year ago

Teresa most definitely has to go n take her tribe with her

1 year ago
Reply to  E Golding

Fire Teresa and Luis he’s also a trouble maker. he pretends to be a peacemaker but really he has another agenda.

1 year ago

Teresa! She is a hypocrite, snake, and liar! She should have been gone years ago. Shame on Bravo for allowing her to keep spewing false accusations about the castmates. Especially, Joe and Melissa.

Chloe sullivan
Chloe sullivan
1 year ago
Reply to  Ann

Applause applause

Teresa Smith
Teresa Smith
1 year ago

Fire Teresa. It’s obvious what she does is deliberate and then lies. I absolutely hate her as a person.

1 year ago

BYE Teresa! Her and her husband Louie are both liars and instigators. Terrible people!

Julie Wood
Julie Wood
1 year ago

Later Melissa . Fake phony sham Gorgas
There will be no show without Teresa . Just my opinion .

Chloe sullivan
Chloe sullivan
1 year ago
Reply to  Julie Wood

You must be a hater & liar like Theresa
Your one person I wouldn’t want to even talk to or look at

Ryan Stubbs
Ryan Stubbs
1 year ago

Bye Melissa #liar

Linda Zantuhos
Linda Zantuhos
1 year ago

Theresa needs to go along with this idiot she married

Judy Hicks
Judy Hicks
1 year ago

Get rid of Melissa, she needs to go!

1 year ago
Reply to  Judy Hicks

yes that is what I say

1 year ago

Teresa has to be fired. She has used the same tricks for years and is a child. Also you can not make a star out of a controlling monster with serious rage issues. Luis has a history of violence prior to the show and iglimmers appeared on air. Do not reward that type of behavior. It’s sets a horrible example.

1 year ago

Teresa is toxic and has intentionally pushed Mellissa and Joe out! She believes she is untouchable and Andy should set her straight—-get along or you’re fired!! Look how T pushed her cousins out and Jacqueline—she wants everything her way and all the attention or she turns on you!! The not so innocent jailbird should be forced to grow up!! My money is on Louie getting in hot water financially/legally sooner, rather than later—-he’s a liar and should not be trusted!

1 year ago

Get rid of Teresa. She is so annoying. The show would be so much better without her. Bring back some of the old cast.

Neltha Dandin
Neltha Dandin
1 year ago

Malisa should go. Teresa have been her storyline from the beginning. I tired of seeing the same crap every season

Diane Mulrey
Diane Mulrey
1 year ago

Teresa is the storyline ,u get rid of Teresa Melissa and the rest have no storyline

1 year ago
Reply to  Diane Mulrey

The only storyline Teresa has is Melissa and Joe. Melissa is wonderful to watch and Teresa is in her own world just stirring up trouble because she has nothing interesting to offer. Melissa and Joe are the life of the party. If Melissa and Joe go, no one will want to replace them with the devious Melissa, Louie, and Jennifer. All true trash.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marta

Marta, I don’t know when you started watching the show, Teresa had a storyline before Melissa and Joe got there and will have a storyline after they leave. Teresa is Melissa’s entire story line. Melissa always sided with her fake friends against Teresa. Bye Melissa

1 year ago

Teresa needs to go

Debbie C
Debbie C
1 year ago

Fire Teresa, Melissa, Jennifer A and Margaret. Keep Jennifer F and Jackie, give Danielle and Rachel another season to become interesting.

1 year ago

I’m so over Theresa!!! I used to really like her when the show started but, she has completely changed and not for the better. Her girls used to be so sweet and innocent and that does not seem to be the case anymore. I’m happy if she is happy but she needs to leave RHNJ. I think she has brought the show down, not up. Nobody is perfect but I believe that Melissa & Joe would be better for the show.
Theresa thinks she’s all that and a bag of chips…..I think NOT!

1 year ago

Teresa Definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

Teresa needs to go, what does she bring? she isnt particularly interesting, has nothing substantive to say EVER, and bit of a dim wit. She has neveer been held accountable for any of the vile things she has done , always blaming everyone else, Also convicted felon, are you going to bring Jen shaw back? She is next level offensive. Blaming her husband for hiring a PI B please you had everything to do with that , and if you didnt , you say hey no dont do that, if she gets her bad behaviour rewarded again, i will stop watching. The gorgas at least are fun, paricularly when the boys have theor nights. This toxic shit tho is so dumb. Its her issue not melissa, Melissa tried, Teresa has hated her from the day Joe brought her home.

1 year ago


Chloe sullivan
Chloe sullivan
1 year ago

Theresa is always the trouble, but according to her she has never done ANYTHING WRONG! Theresa the convicted felon mean spirited, low life white trailer trash needs to go! She has an excise for everything and she lies, just like tRump!

Theresa needs to go!!!!!! Or I’m not watching the show anymore!!!

Chloe sullivan
Chloe sullivan
1 year ago

Bring back Rosie & Kathy and get rid of the “DEMON THERESA”!


1 year ago
Reply to  Chloe sullivan

haha, No one cares if you watch the show…

Merav Fiorella
Merav Fiorella
1 year ago

Teresa should be the one to go, she was always bad and always the instigator but now she has Louie who clearly has issues he brings to the table, she obviously married a more modern version of the last husband, manipulating all the way.
I love the Gorgas and I disagree that they have no story without Teresa.. her stories are old and boring same old thing and her little troll in Jen is sad all around, love watching Joe and the guys, they are great parents !! Please keep them on!

Janna Larson
Janna Larson
1 year ago

Teresa should be fired. She’s toxic and downright mean. Just a bad person. Almost everything that comes out of her mouth is twisted, or a blatant LIE. She’s the biggest opportunist and the least classy of the group. Do you REALLY think she married for “love”…or for “money and lifestyle”.

1 year ago

Teresa needs to go. Everyone is sick of her storyline.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Teresa should go. She’ll find herself divorced or back in legal trouble due to Luis. He’s another Joe Guidice. But, IMO, worse

1 year ago

fire Melissa KEEP TERESA SHE IS THE BEST I DO THINK MELISSA IS JEALOUS IF TERESA GOES THE SHOW WILL NOT BE GOOD. also why don’t they go to therapy all 3 of them it is really needed

1 year ago

I totally agree with you. I believe the jealousy started because of Teresa and Joe’s relationship. When they were good they were really good and i wish this family would get counseling. If they got along the show would be awesome but if they can’t get along, Melissa and Joe needs to go. Teresa was good on the show before they got there. Not only is Melissa using Teresa for a story line, her clan is too…. It’s time to move on

1 year ago


Tired of Teresa
Tired of Teresa
1 year ago

Teresa needs to go. She’s been annoying for several years. Her voice, her stupidity, and I cannot stand how she plays the victim all the time and acts like she doesn’t do anything wrong or her vial actions are justified. Family means nothing to her – from her cousins to her brother. She is poison. Her friends and even her daughters blindly support her because they have seen how Teresa turns her back on anyone who speaks the truth or says she does anything wrong. I never comment on these things but I can’t stand Teresa and her disgusting new husband who is clearly thirsty and fame hungry. They are not good people at this time. And Teresa ruined the term Namaste for me – and acts like she created it.

1 year ago

Teresa should go. I used to love Teresa, I always defended her to everyone. I especially loved her when she came back from “Camp”. She was very independent & even humbled. Now I feel she’s acting too entitled. She needs to appreciate that she has her freedom & her job. I’m currently no longer a fan of hers. What totally ended it for me is when she made the comments at the reunion that Melissa & Joe would be gone. Also, when she acted the way she did towards Joe & Melissa with the wedding. Especially when Louie messed up on the phone in the car about not inviting them to dinner. That showed that they were being fake about wanting them at the wedding, altogether. I honestly was hopeing she would have started dating her longtime friend, the pool guy instead of Louie. I think hes bad news & changing her for the worse.
Either fire her, demote her to friendship status, or just give her, Louie & her daughters a spinoff. They monopolize the show anyway. Then whoever still loves Teresa can watch her there. I wouldnt watch, but I could continue watching Real Housewives of New Jersey. With Melissa, Marge, & Dolores. It’s a win win for everyone. Teresa & her family can be center of attention, her fans can see more of her, & Bravo can still make money. If the spinoff doesn’t bring in anything & doesnt make it, she can come back. Maybe by then she will realize that it isn’t her show. Or her, melissa, & her Joe can make peace by then. If her & Louie are still together by then.

Debbie Bigley
Debbie Bigley
1 year ago


1 year ago

Team Theresa all the way!!! Love her, she is the show! Melissa is covert, and starts crap behind the scenes and tries to act innocent on the show, she is far from it!!! Theresa’s kids speak the truth, the Gorga’s were not there for them, there is a reason those kids say that. Melissa is sneaky and horrible!

1 year ago
Reply to  Roni

I totally agree with you

1 year ago

Melisaa should keep out of the fighting of Joe and Teresa. She is constantly inserting herself. Without Teresa there is no show. I am team Teresa. Joe and Melissa have been beyond mean to Teresa and constantly trying to put her down and saying she is a liar. There is only so much a person can take.

1 year ago
Reply to  teresa

teresa you said it perfectly. I don’t understand what these people are watching…….

1 year ago

Teresa needs to go! She is toxic and tired of seeing her never take ownership of her actions. Keep Melissa and bring back the cousins of Teresa. Soooo tired of Teresa and now she married her clone! They both take no ownership of their crap or actions.

1 year ago

Teresa and Luis need to go. I predict in less than 2 years he will have spent all her money, physically abused her and cheated on her.

1 year ago

Melissa should be fired

rick meyer
rick meyer
1 year ago

teresa for sure!

Noreen Brody
Noreen Brody
1 year ago

I think that Theresa & lying Louie should be fired but I honestly believe Andy Cohen afraid to fire Theresa.