
Who will new HOH nominate for eviction and who can play in Wildcard Competition?

Xavier Prather is the new HOH on Big Brother 23
Xavier Prather is the new HOH on Big Brother 23. Pic credit: CBS

Xavier Prather is the new Big Brother Head of Household after winning the latest competition on Thursday night. He now takes over the power within the BB23 cast and will nominate two people for eviction before Friday comes to a close.

Since Xavier is safe from eviction, this also means his entire team is safe from being nominated. Christian Birkenberger, Alyssa Lopez, and Sarah Beth Steagall are safe for the week unless something hinky happens during the Week 3 Wildcard Competition.

Early on Friday, three people will be chosen to play for safety, but this is likely where punishments are going to start really getting handed out if the winner accepts safety.

Azah, Britini, and Derek Frazier from Team Jokers can play in the Week 3 Wildcard Competition. So can Derek Xiao and Whitney from Team Aces, as well as Claire and Tiffany from Team Queens. That’s still a lot of people, with the teams set to make more specific choices later on Friday.

This is a bad situation for Brent Champagne, as it looks like Brent is a target that most of the BB23 house wants to go after this week. Not only is Brent unable to play in the Wildcard Competition, but he is also convinced that he is completely safe since Xavier is the new HOH.

Who might Xavier nominate for eviction?

It looks like Xavier could end up targeting Brent, but that he isn’t quite sure if he wants to straight-up nominate him or attempt a backdoor eviction this week. Tiffany suggested to him to either put Whitney or Britini next to him on the block, but Xavier really doesn’t want to nominate Britini right after Kyland did last week.

Another wrinkle in everything is how close that it has looked like Whitney and Xavier have been in the game. Many fans are calling them one of the Big Brother 23 showmances, so it raises some questions about what Xavier might do here. His alliances are saying put up Whitney, but would he really want to do that?

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Derek Frazier, Xavier, and Kyland have a new alliance called the Three Kings and that could be important moving forward in the season. It could also mean that Derek F and Kyland have Xavier’s ear when it comes to the Big Brother nominations this week.

Kyland and Derek Xiao also spoke with Xavier about getting Brent out of the house, so it might be pretty clear that Xavier will target Brent for eviction.

On Friday, the BB23 cast will start out the day with the teams deciding who will represent them in the Week 3 Wildcard Competition. They will then take part in that new Wildcard challenge to figure out who is safe from getting nominated.

Xavier plans to meet with everyone as a team and in a one-on-one fashion at some point on Friday as well.

Then, later on Friday, Xavier will host the Nomination Ceremony and let two people know that they are on the block. Over the weekend, the nominees will get a chance to play for the Power of Veto and we expect the Big Brother live feeds to get really busy as the nominees try to campaign. We should see much more campaigning than last week.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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