
Felicia tries to play Big Brother with Cameron, gets turned down

Felicia Cannon BB25
The Big Brother 25 house has worn out Felicia Cannon. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother house is scrambling a bit after Jared Fields got eliminated.

Only ten people are left to compete for the $750,000 cash prize.

Some noteworthy Big Brother spoilers have already come out on the live feeds in the hours following Jared’s eviction.

Cameron Hardin won the Week 9 HOH Competition.

This continued Cameron’s streak of winning competitions to keep him in the game.

As the new HOH, Cameron has to nominate two people for eviction. Felicia Cannon was one of his planned nominees.

Felicia approaches Cameron with a Big Brother deal

Cameron nominated Felicia and Izzy Gleicher the last time he was HOH. He succeeded at getting Izzy out. He also created a fracture between Felicia and Cirie Fields.

Felicia knows she is in danger and approached Cameron about working with him on Friday (September 29).

“Well, I’m trying to see if you trust me enough to play a game with me,” Felicia told Cameron.

“No,” Cameron responded after a dramatic pause.

“And I don’t want to skirt around it,” he added.

He went on to tell Felicia that he was allowing her to play the game. He alluded to Felicia having a chance to save herself with the Power of Veto.

“And I don’t see us working together down the road. It’s going to be very hard. That’s a gamble I wouldn’t make,” Cameron later stated.

Felicia was taken aback, stating that she had opened the door repeatedly to work with him.

Cameron responded and said he couldn’t trust Felicia to play the game with her.

This part of their conversation happened at about 1:30 p.m. PT (house time) on Friday.

A short snippet of the conversation is featured in the video below.

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Felicia was also talking to herself about the new house flip. She had that self-chat in front of the live feed cameras as she pondered what was happening in the Big Brother house.

She doesn’t understand why she might be a target for eviction in Week 9, but it is due to how well Cirie Fields has been doing in her one-on-one conversations.

Cirie has played it up that she is alone in the house without Izzy Gleicher, and some houseguests have stopped viewing her as a threat. That could be a costly mistake for them.

Outside the house, Hisam Goueli is celebrating Jared Fields being evicted.

CBS had to shift its primetime schedule for Fall 2023. It partly means no more Big Brother on Wednesday nights.

Here is the updated BB25 episode schedule from CBS.

Big Brother 25 airs on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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9 months ago

I really wish Cam would go for Cirie! He serms to be trusting her and God only knows if she gets a chance he will be first to leave