
Big Brother spoilers: Who is the new HOH going to nominate for eviction?

Britini In BB23 Jury
Britini D’Angelo was featured in the first Big Brother 23 jury segment of the summer. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother spoilers about the upcoming nominations have already been revealed on the live feeds. The new Head of Household hosted one-on-one chats late Thursday night and it already serves as a forecast for what might happen at the Week 9 Nomination Ceremony.

There are no more Wildcard Competitions, Vegas-style games, or secret HOHs to throw into the mix as Week 9 really gets started in the Big Brother house. That will cut down on big moments for the game itself, but we may see some additional drama surface on the Big Brother live feeds.

Through an Endurance Challenge, Tiffany Mitchell became the new BB23 HOH. She now has the power to put two people on the block for eviction and those two people will end up staying there until they can compete to save themselves at the Week 9 Veto Competition.

Tiffany now has an automatic spot in the final seven this summer and it means that she is going to take part in the Double Eviction coming up soon on the Big Brother schedule.

Who is Tiffany going to nominate for eviction on Big Brother this week?

There is already a plan in place that Tiffany will begin laying out at the Week 9 Nomination Ceremony. She will reveal those nominees at some point on Friday, September 3, and it will then begin a series of new conversations about how The Cookout could look when the next HOH Competition takes place.

As she said on the Big Brother live feeds, Tiffany is planning to nominate Xavier Prather and Alyssa Lopez. Claire Rehfuss will be spared for the week, but it also means that Claire could become a backdoor option if Alyssa finds her way off of the block.

Live feeds drama for members of The Cookout

Xavier and Derek Frazier were a bit frustrated that Tiffany won another HOH Competition and they referred to her as selfish during a chat they had on their own. Derek F was also pouting a lot after he lost another challenge, stating that his confidence in the house was basically shot.

There is also some pushback coming from Xavier about having to go up on the block again, which is entirely understandable with how close The Cookout is to controlling the final six spots this season on Big Brother. Of note here is that Xavier had a goal of never getting nominated this season and he is still frustrated that he came up short in that effort.

Xavier continued complaining to Derek F and Kyland Young after Tiffany got her HOH Room, so we should expect to see even more on that in the coming days. Tiffany had tried to assure Xavier that she would rather lose Derek F or Kyland before him, and she also added that she was steering Claire to targeting Kyland instead of him. It didn’t stop him from getting grumpy again later in the evening.

Below is a video of a series of important conversations that also took place overnight on the Big Brother live feeds. The Cookout made things official on Big Brother finally, but there are some serious cracks in the alliance that will get exposed soon.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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