Big Brother spoilers reveal what just happened at the Week 9 Veto Ceremony. The BB23 cast now has its nominees set for the upcoming Eviction Ceremony and there appears to be a clear path for someone to head to the jury house.
Tiffany Mitchell is the Head of Household again this week after winning a short Endurance Challenge. There was some in-fighting within The Cookout alliance about Tiffany and Kyland Young trying to win instead of throwing it to a lesser player, and that could come up again later this week.
On tap is the first Double Eviction for BB23 and here’s how it will work. While we may not know who the second person is that will be heading to the jury house before the end of the night, we do know the target for the first Eviction Ceremony.
After Tiffany nominated Alyssa Lopez and Xavier Prather for eviction this week, the houseguests played in a new Veto Competition. Alyssa had been the target so that Tiffany could keep working with Claire Rehfuss, but a wrench was thrown into that plan when Alyssa won the Power of Veto.
Veto Ceremony spoilers from Big Brother live feeds
Alyssa just used the Power of Veto to save herself. This forced Tiffany to name a replacement nominee and she went with Claire. The final nominees for the week are now Claire and Xavier, with one of them getting evicted on Thursday night.
Ahead of the Veto Ceremony taking place, Tiffany already told Claire about protecting The Cookout. It was a huge revelation that led to a lot of tears. It will also likely be a featured segment during an upcoming episode of Big Brother 23.
More to come on Big Brother 23 this summer
Big Brother fans need to be aware of the dates and times for the rest of the summer 2021 episodes. Here is the new schedule for Big Brother 23, which includes different times, days, and lengths for episodes than what we saw in July and August.
Keep in mind that this is also a shorter season than normal due to the two-week quarantine that was needed before the houseguests even started playing the game this summer.
As we get toward the end of the season, it will be very interesting to see what the BB23 jury decides to do when it comes to naming the Big Brother 23 winner. Will they go just based on gameplay? Or will there be some bitterness that exists due to the way that some people have been voted out of the house?
We have seen what a bitter Big Brother jury can do when they aren’t pleased with how someone gets to the end. The BB18 cast gave Nicole Franzel the win because they didn’t like Paul Abrahamian, and that trend continued when the BB19 cast named Josh Martinez the winner over Paul as well.
Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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Are the girls gonna wake up.