
Big Brother spoilers: New HOH has already made final four nominations

BB23 Cast Happy
The Big Brother 23 cast has made it to the final four during the Summer 2021 season. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother spoilers coming from the live feeds not only reveal who the final four Head of Household is and also who they nominated for eviction.

CBS just aired an intense double eviction episode on Thursday night, but the BB23 cast has already filmed a lot of additional footage since then.

The early filming is due to the Friday night episode coming up on the Big Brother schedule. The HOH Competition and the Nomination Ceremony will both get shown during the September 17 episode.

As for where we are at in the Big Brother 2021 season, Tiffany Mitchell and Hannah Chaddha just got evicted.

Big Brother spoilers updated from the live feeds

Xavier Prather won the secret Head of Household Competition that Big Brother fans haven’t seen yet. In that challenge, it was Xavier, Kyland Young, and Derek Frazier playing for the HOH Room. Azah Awasum had to sit it out as the outgoing HOH.

Based on the conversations that have taken place since the Big Brother feeds got turned back on, Derek F is not on the block. This means that Xavier nominated Kyland and Azah for eviction. And on the next episode of the show, we are going to find out why he made those choices.

Xavier has a spot in the final three

Because he won the final four HOH Competition, Xavier Prather is the first person who has clinched a spot in the final three this season. Two more people will join him at the end and who it is will depend on the Veto Competition.

If Derek Frazier, Kyland Young, or Azah Awasum win the Power of Veto, that person also guarantees themselves a spot in the final three. Not only that, but they will then have the power to decide on the final person joining themselves and Xavier.

There is only going to be one person who has a vote at the next Eviction Ceremony, showing just how important it is to control the Power of Veto this week. Since the POV holds so much power within the final four, everyone is still alive in the game, no matter who is the HOH right now.

A lot of scenarios could play out based on the Veto Competition results, leading to some interesting Big Brother spoilers that will come out this weekend. Make sure to remember that there is a new episode for the BB23 cast at 8/7c on Friday, September 17, where the HOH is revealed as well as who they nominated for eviction.

Looking toward the future, we are now very close to learning the Big Brother 23 winner. Hopefully, the final few episodes are good ones, and that we get a lot of good television without a predictable ending.

Ahead of Big Brother fans getting to vote on their favorite houseguest this summer, former houseguest Da’Vonne Rogers revealed who she is voting for as AFP.

Big Brother 23 airs on CBS during Summer 2021.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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