
Big Brother recap: Slime, drama, and eviction targets

Smiling Julie Chen Moonves
Julie Chen Moonves will soon help introduce the BB26 cast. Pic credit: ©

A new episode of Big Brother revealed the Week 3 Head of Household and their Nomination Ceremony.

The night began with a log recap showcasing Reilly Smedley being evicted.

Reilly was sent home on the August 17 episode, taking the cast down to only 14 players.

Cameron Hardin was saved for the week, but Hisam Goueli had accrued many enemies while he was HOH.

Luke Valentine, Kirsten Elwin, and Reilly were the three eliminated houseguests at the end of Week 2.

Now it was time for Big Brother fans to learn what happened next.

Big Brother Season 25, Episode 8 recap

The new episode picked up following Reilly’s eviction. Houseguests were shown reacting to the exit.

Cirie Fields talked about how they kept Cameron around because he showed interest in taking down Hisam.

Blue Kim was crying in her Diary Room session. She spoke about how much she wanted Hisam out.

Jag Bains had a DR session about how much he wanted Hisam gone.

A flashback from before the August 17 episode was shown where Reilly told her friends to vote with the house.

Reilly had a BB25 exit interview where she confirmed that scenario.

Matt Klotz then had a long segment where he revealed his feelings for Reilly. He also cried after her eviction.

A Head of Household Competition

The new HOH Competition had the houseguests golfing balls down a slope toward slots with point values.

The houseguests with the highest score would win HOH. But the lowest-scoring houseguests would become Have-Nots.

Hisam hosted the challenge and had to watch as the power was up for grabs.

Felicia Cannon became HOH with the highest score.

Felicia also got the punishment of being slimed every hour for 24 hours. She also had to choose a houseguest to join her each time.

Bowie Jane was the first victim.

Red Utley, America Lopez, and Matt Klotz became the Have-Nots.

Nomination preparation and debate

Cirie and Izzy Gleicher talked about how much they wanted Hisam out next.

The duo went to Felicia with the plan to put Cameron on the block and to create a scenario to backdoor Hisam.

Hisam told Felicia to get Jag out. Hisam also told her to put up Matt.

Felicia thought Hisam was still trying to dictate the game to her, and she wasn’t pleased.

Later, Felecia met with Jag and Cameron to let them know they were pawns. She revealed Hisam as a target.

She told the Diary Room that if Hisam won the Power of Veto, she was okay with Jag or Cameron going home.

The Week 3 Nomination Ceremony

Felicia nominated Cameron and Jag for elimination.

The two nominees will compete for the Power of Veto on the August 23 episode.

And the Big Brother Pressure Cooker soon appears on BB25.

Fans watching the live feeds saw a Big Brother showmance begin.

As for readers who want to jump ahead, here are the spoilers about the veto results.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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