
Big Brother 25 recap: An eviction sets the final 14

Red BB25 Living Room
Red Utley was a member of the Big Brother 25 cast. Pic credit: CBS

A new eviction episode of Big Brother aired on Thursday night.

The August 17 episode focused on whether the BB25 would send Reilly Smedley or Cameron Hardin home.

Hisam Goueli has been the Week 2 Head of Household, giving him the power to control the house.

Hisam nominated Reilly and Cameron for eviction, but he let everyone know he wanted Reilly gone.

The nominees had a shot to save themselves at the Veto Competition, but Hisam won another Power of Veto.

When Hisam left his nominees the same at the Veto Meeting, it became clear the Handful alliance would lose a member.

Big Brother 25, Episode 7 recap

The episode began with host Julie Chen Moonves stating that someone would be evicted “never to return” again.

This confirmed suspicions that the early evictees would not play in a Battle Back this summer.

A quick recap of Week 2 was shown before Julie welcomed CBS viewers to Day 16 of the Summer 2023 season of Big Brother.

The episode transitioned to the fallout from Hisam’s Veto Meeting speech, where he called out Reilly and told the house to evict her.

Reilly was in tears during a Diary Room session and said she would not give up.

Cameron then stated that he needed to keep his head down to survive.

Jag Bains also had a DR session and described a plan to keep Reilly in the game. His plan would require someone from The Professors to help them out.

Cirie Fields and Izzy Gleicher were shown reacting to Hisam’s speech, heavily suggesting the version from the August 16 episode was edited by producers.

Who gets voted out on Big Brother 25?

Many discussions were shown with the house flip-flopping about who would go home. Many arguments were made to keep Reilly around.

Cory Wurternberger said he wanted to vote out Cameron because it was the opposite of what Hisam wanted.

And Felicia Cannon also called out what Hisam said during the speech, leading to a discussion with Felicia about what the best move for their duo would be in the game.

A meeting of The Professors alliance took place where Hisam ran things and dictated to people how things should go. It was not received well by the other six members.

Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia were shown planning a backdoor of Hisam in Week 3.

Who goes home: Reilly or Cameron?

Reilly and Cameron each gave speeches about why the BB25 houseguests should save them.

Red voted to evict Reilly as Julie kicked off the voting. Bowie Jane voted for Reilly, Jag voted for Reilly, and Cory voted for Reilly. The vote was 4-0 at the commercial break.

Matt voted for Reilly, Blue Kim voted for Reilly, Cirie voted for Reilly, Felicia voted for Reilly, America Lopez voted for Reilly, Mecole Hayes voted for Reilly, Izzy voted for Reilly, and Jared voted for Reilly to conclude the vote.

Reilly Smedley got evicted by a 12-0 vote. She went to meet with Julie as the houseguests comforted each other.

No new Head of Household was crowned before the episode ended. The August 20 episode will reveal the HOH Competition results.

In an amusing part of the night, Cameron got shown trying to convince Jared Fields that Felicia is the sister of Denzel Washington. Jared wasn’t buying it.

Outside of the house, Luke Valentine did his first post-Big Brother interview. In it, he blamed sleepiness for why he used the N-word on the live feeds.

And Big Brother 23 alum Frenchie called out Hisam for shading him on the feeds.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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