
Big Brother recap: Hisam’s true colors, final nominees are set

Reilly BB25 Nominations
Reilly Smedley had a short stay in the Big Brother house. Pic credit: CBS

A new episode of Big Brother 25 revealed the veto results from Week 2.

Hisam Goueli won a Head of Household Competition in the Nether Region to take power.

The houseguests got to leave the Big Brother house to participate in that challenge.

Hisam also nominated Reilly Smedley and Cameron Hardin for eviction.

The primary target was Reilly, but Hisam was okay with Cameron getting evicted.

And after getting sent to the Nether Region by Jared Fields, Jag Bains had safety for the week.

Big Brother 25, Episode 6 recap

The new episode picked up following the Week 2 Nomination Ceremony.

Hisam had the first Diary Room session, where he reiterated that he wanted Reilly out.

Reilly and Cameron hugged, and then Cameron said he was not surprised to be nominated.

Reilly was also not shocked that she ended up on the block after trying to target Hisam in Week 1.

Jag told Reilly to keep her head up in a message from the Nether Region.

Hisam was shown meeting with Reilly, where he grilled her about the game.

Reilly talked in a new DR about how Hisam rubbed her the wrong way. She didn’t appreciate him talking down to her.

Later, Hisam appeared to threaten Matt Klotz about saving Reilly from the block if he won the Power of Veto.

Matt told Reilly about it and said he wanted to take out Hisam.

Nether Region update

Jag returned from the Nethor Region without a message. He reiterated that he was safe for the week after Jared Fields sent him there.

A note arrived later. It instructed Jag to choose a player to go to the Nether Region. That person would miss the Veto Competition.

Hisam wanted Jay to send Blue Kim to the Nether Region, and Reilly wanted him to send Red Utley.

Bowie Jane volunteered to go, and Jag jumped at the chance. Hisam then threatened Jag for not sending Blue.

Bowie came back after the Veto Competition was played.

An important Veto Competition

Hisam picked Matt’s chip, Cameron selected the chip of America Lopez, and Reilly picked Blue as her houseguest choice.

The challenge had the houseguests using turntables to unscramble phrases.

Having a challenge based on sound might lead to some frustrated Big Brother fans.

Was Matt Klotz on an even playing field with his hearing issues?

Power of Veto results and a Veto Meeting

Hisam won the Power of Veto. He is racking up the challenge victories and making himself an obvious threat in the game.

Hisam finished just ahead of the times that Cameron and Blue posted.

At the Veto Meeting, Hisam kept his nominees the same. In his speech, Hisam said people needed to vote out Reilly. He may have lost alliance members by doing that.

An Eviction Ceremony takes place in the next episode (August 17). Reilly or Cameron will get sent home that night.

Here are spoilers about the BB25 target heading into eviction night.

And the Big Brother live feeds revealed the Week 3 target as well.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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