
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Week 3 Power of Veto winner, plan for Veto Meeting revealed

BB Host Julie Chen Moonves
Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves is back in action. Pic credit: © Purvis/AdMedia

The veto results have been revealed on the live feeds.

These Big Brother 25 spoilers set the stage for the rest of the week, and a target is about to go home.

Backing up a bit, Felicia Cannon won the Head of Household Competition for Week 3.

Felicia relished getting some power in the game and seemed good at it.

The Nomination Ceremony finished with Cameron Hardin and Jag Bains on the block.

And Cameron was nominated as a pawn, with Felicia urging him to win the Power of Veto.

What happened with the Week 3 Power of Veto?

Felicia, Cameron, and Jag were the first three veto players. Izzy Gleicher, Red Utley, and Cory Wurtenberger joined them in the challenge. And Bowie Jane served as the host.

The six players are noteworthy due to the backdoor plan that Felicia was working with.

Some celebrating occurred after the veto players were selected because it meant Hisam Goueli could not compete.

The feeds went down for the Veto Competition, and when they returned, Jag was revealed as the winner.

Veto Meeting plans on Big Brother 25

Jag hosts the Veto Meeting scheduled for Monday (August 21).

Jag will take himself off the block and force the HOH to name a replacement nominee.

Felicia wants that to happen. She plans to put Hisam on the block next to Cameron.

This means Cameron or Hisam goes home at the August 24 Eviction Ceremony.

And as it stands, the BB25 house is looking at unanimously voting to evict Hisam.

Unless something big happens in the house, Hisam will be heading home soon.

Can Hisam figure out a way to survive another week? Stay tuned!

More news from Big Brother 25

Former houseguest Reilly Smedley revealed her final two picks in a new exit interview.

Recently expelled houseguest Luke Valentine also gave new excuses for using the N-word.

The houseguests that survive Week 3 get to play a classic HOH Competition that finally returns on August 24. Felicia will have to watch, but she may not mind if punishments are a part of it.

The producers are bringing back the Big Brother Pressure Cooker. That should be a treat fans get to watch take place on the live feeds.

Felicia revealed some trouble with her husband as she was having a chat with Izzy. He may not have been on board with her playing on the reality competition show.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday on CBS.

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