
Big Brother recap: An important Power of Veto for BB23 cast

Alyssa Nominated BB23
Alyssa Lopez was one of the first nominees during the Big Brother 23 season. Pic credit: CBS

A quick recap of how the season started opened up Big Brother 23, Episode 3. We got to see Frenchie becoming the first Head of Household, the BB23 cast getting split up into teams, and the new houseguests getting comfortable with their new living quarters.

The new episode picked up right after the Nomination Ceremony, where Frenchie nominated Kyland Young and Alyssa Lopez for eviction. Frenchie previously told each of them that they were safe, so they were caught completely off guard.

Alyssa and Kyland went to separate rooms with their close friends after the ceremony, with both of them heading to tears after the surprise nominations. They had no idea what was going on.

When Alyssa approached Frenchie about it, Frenchie accused her of being in a showmance with Christian Birkenberger. She denied it, and in a Diary Room session, Frenchie said that he may have made a mistake with the nominations.

Big Brother 23, Episode 3 recap

Sarah Beth Steagall had a segment where she spoke about being a bisexual woman but how difficult it has been for her. It was a touching moment between her and some of the other houseguests.

Then, another segment showing Frenchie sneaking around to listen in on conversations was shown. One involved Kyland, Derek Xiao, Travis Long, and Claire Rehfuss chatting. It led to Frenchie appearing to be a bit paranoid.

In another Diary Room session, Frenchie said that he was going to go after people who were trying to form their own alliances during “his” HOH week. It was an odd statement to make, but he apparently needed an excuse to turn on someone.

Frenchie was then shown warning Brent Champagne to stay away from Derek X and to not be seen with him (Brent and Derek X are on the same team). It was a red flag to Brent, who figured out that Derek X could be a backdoor target for the Veto Ceremony. Brent then warned Derek X.

An alliance called The Cookout was formed. The members are Kyland, Tiffany Mitchell, Azah Awasum, Xavier Prather, Alyssa, and Derek Frazier.

Brent and Frenchie also secured a final two for the season. While doing it, Brent mentioned that Travis was a bigger threat in the game than Derek X.

Big Brother 2021 Week 1 Veto Competition

Frenchie picked Tiffany, Kyland got his choice and he picked Travis, and Alyssa picked Derek X when it came to filling out the field of six people playing for the Power of Veto. The six of them were then ready to compete in a really important Veto Competition.

The challenge itself had a ramp set up for each of the six people. They had to place objects on the puzzle in order to get a ball (the cherry) to drop all the way down through a hole.

Below is a good clip of how the challenge looked and how it worked out, with Derek Xiao figuring it out first and winning the Power of Veto. Derek X suddenly had the power to really shake things up and by winning he had guaranteed his own safety for the week.

During the Veto Ceremony, Derek X used the POV to save Kyland from the block. Frenchie then chose Travis as the replacement nominee.

At the July 15 Eviction Ceremony, the BB23 cast will vote out either Alyssa Lopez or Travis Long.

For readers who want to jump ahead, we have some Big Brother spoilers about who is going home this week. It’s going to be very interesting to see what happens after that, though because Frenchie might have some work to do after all of the chaos he created in Week 1.

And speaking of Frenchie, he was seen calling the rest of the Big Brother 23 cast “stupid” on the live feeds. Did he play too hard during the first week? We will all have to tune in to find out.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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