
Big Brother recap: A secret HOH and a secret plan to cover it up

Tiffany Controlling BB23
Tiffany Mitchell is still controlling the Big Brother 23 house this summer. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 23, Episode 24 began with a long recap about what had led to this moment in time. It went back to Sarah Beth Steagall being the Head of Household when Derek Xiao was sent out the front door.

Tiffany Mitchell won the HOH Competition for the week, but as shown during the last episode of Big Brother, she got overthrown. While she was in power, Tiffany noted that her primary target for eviction was Sarah Beth.

Claire Rehfuss won the Coin of Destiny challenge and was able to flip a coin and overthrow Tiffany. She succeeded and she then got to choose two nominees for eviction.

Rather than change things up, Claire nominated the same two people as Tiffany, putting Sarah Beth Steagall and Kyland Young on the block. Xavier Prather was the third nominee for the week as a punishment for winning the POV the previous week.

Recap for Big Brother 23, Episode 24

Sarah Beth spoke in a Diary Room session about it being really hard to be on the block with Kyland. She was also shown being very sad about her place in the game now.

Tiffany was then shown saying that she wanted to pretend to be the secret HOH in order to hide Claire. And Claire was fine with that because she could try to hide her power.

An important Veto Competition

Hannah Chaddha, Claire Rehfuss, and Alyssa Lopez were drawn as the three additional players in the Week 8 Veto Competition.

At stake in the Veto Competition was a special screening of the new movie called Dear Evan Hansen. The POV winner would get to invite three other people to watch it with them and enjoy some nice snacks.

To win the Veto Competition, the six houseguests had to organize photos in the backyard based on when events took place in the Big Brother house this summer. The person to do it fastest would win the Golden Power of Veto.

Hannah Chaddha had the fastest time and won the Power of Veto.

During a DR session, Claire said she was considering doing something different than Tiffany’s nominations had she won the POV. But she seemed fine with the nominations staying the same.

Sarah Beth was shown crying about her loss in the challenge after she felt that he time was fast enough to win it.

Kyland, Sarah Beth, and Xavier were chosen by Hannah to go watch the movie with her. The quartet went to the HOH Room for the special screening and had a good time watching Dear Evan Hansen. The new musical stars Ben Platt from the first two Pitch Perfect films and Amy Adams.

Veto Ceremony time

Hannah used the Power of Veto to save Xavier from the block. As the third nominee, he did not need to be replaced. That left Sarah Beth Steagall and Kyland Young on the block for the next Eviction Ceremony.

That brings an end to the Big Brother 23, Episode 24 recap, but there is some drama on the horizon after Kyland tried to get Hannah to use the POV to save him.

More news and notes from Big Brother in 2021

There are still a number of Big Brother fans claiming The Cookout is racist. It continues a debate among fans of the show about how the current season is going. The six-person alliance is getting very close to making history on the show.

Fans should also take note that there have been a lot of changes to the upcoming TV schedule for Big Brother. Here is a full list of episodes left for Big Brother 23.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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