
Big Brother nominee claims they played harder than anyone else in the house this season

Blue Surprised BB25
Blue Kim was part of the Big Brother 25 cast. Pic credit: CBS

Time is running out for the Big Brother 25 nominees in Week 11.

It has led to interesting conversations on the live feeds and much pouting from one nominee.

Most of this article applies to moments after the Veto Meeting, so be aware that spoilers are ahead.

Jag Bains became the Invisible HOH after winning a challenge.

Jag then nominated Felicia Cannon and Blue Kim for eviction.

But the veto results shook things up, and Jag changed the nominees at the Veto Meeting.

A nominee boasts about his play on Big Brother 25

The final nominees from Secret HOH week are America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger.

America has been pretty frustrated with being on the block.

America’s primary gripe is that Jag nominated her before she could nominate him. This has led to some lashing out.

Cory has taken a different approach to being on the block. It has been one of acceptance and boasting.

“I think in my time here, I’ve played probably about harder than anyone in the house, start to finish,” Cory said on the Big Brother live feeds.

The comments from Cory came during the day on Wednesday, October 18. He certainly kept his confidence – despite being on the block.

“I think over these past couple of weeks, you may have seen, like, I’ve chilled out a bit. The truth is, I didn’t want to make a move for the sake of making a move. You know?” Cory added to explain his lack of challenge wins recently.

Big Brother fans respond to Cory’s statement

Many Big Brother fans have weighed in on Cory’s comments.

He has been lounging around for a large part of the summer, and fans watching the feeds have noticed.

“Cory I love you but you’re literally just lying there,” wrote one fan.

“He is so arrogant,” posted another fan.

“This dude has done nothing to be this arrogant,” wrote a third fan.

Most of the fans agreed that Cory has a healthy ego.

Below is a sample of comments fans shared about Cory on social media today.

Cory BB25 Fan Comments
Comments from Big Brother 25 fans about Cory Wurtenberger. Pic credit: @maximusmom13/Twitter

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Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.

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