The Big Brother live feeds are showing Nicole Franzel continuously trying to push her lie about the last Eviction Ceremony.
During the eviction vote, Nicole voted to evict Ian Terry, despite her claims that she had voted to evict Tyler Crispen.
As CBS viewers saw on the Sunday night episode, that lie caused a fight between Da’Vonne Rogers and David Alexander, as Da’Vonne continued to blindly trust Nicole.
Four days later, Nicole is still pushing hard to get Da’Vonne to believe that lie, even as Da’Vonne has been put in serious risk of getting evicted from the Big Brother house.
The lie no longer serves a purpose, but Nicole has refused to come clean about it. Instead, she and Daniele Donato are pushing it even harder as they try to drive an unnecessary wedge between Da’Vonne and David.
Big Brother live feeds spoilers from Monday
The Veto Meeting took place on Monday and it was revealed that Tyler did not use the Power of Veto. That leaves Da’Vonne Rogers and Kevin Campbell on the block ahead of the next Eviction Ceremony.
Da’Vonne cannot come off the block, which removes any need to continue with the sharade being conducted about that Ian vote.
As Dani likes to say, Dani/Nicole have been “planting seeds” about Da’Vonne since she practically arrived at the house. They’ve been a fake friends to Day all along and only now seem concerned about her leaving as they continue to lie. How soon Dani/Franzel stans forget. #BB22 pic.twitter.com/VNrA4tFBUG
— The Artist: T∆.QU∆N.Z∆ MON∆É (@TaayTayMonae) September 21, 2020
On the live feeds, Da’Vonne just said that she didn’t want to look bad for bashing David. To that comment, Nicole said that she doesn’t want Da’Vonne to look bad either.
Nicole followed that up by reiterating, again, that she had “definitely kept Ian” at the vote. She didn’t. And now she is saying that she doesn’t understand what David is trying to do here.
In essence, Nicole is now blaming David for making her look bad. It’s an odd thing to do at this point, because it is starting to look like Da’Vonne will be heading to the BB22 jury. In the jury, Da’Vonne is going to learn about Nicole’s alliance (she told Ian in her goodbye message).
Nicole Franzel continues to tarnish her image
Lying is part of Big Brother. So is deceit. It’s all part of trying to be the last person standing to win that $500,000 prize. But, there are times to lie and there are reasons to do it during the game. This lie, and how hard Nicole is pushing it, does not make any sense from a game standpoint.
At the same time, people kept trying to warn Da’Vonne that Nicole was going to do this to her. Nicole and Cody were even trending on Twitter after a wall-yeller revealed their final two alliance. And still people won’t believe Nicole is working with him.
Dani said that both she and Nicole have been trying to protect Day the whole time… #BB22 pic.twitter.com/yjFsLuzc0Q
— dramabananna (@dramabananna) September 21, 2020
Fans are going to be very displeased with what is going on inside the house when they learn how hard Nicole and Dani are pushing these lies. Imagine how Da’Vonne will feel when she learns how long Dani and Nicole were trying to get her out.
Big Brother airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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