
Big Brother live feeds: List of spoilers since Xavier became the new HOH

Kyland and Xavier On BB23
Xavier Prather has had a pretty easy week as the Head of Household on Big Brother 2021. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother live feeds have provided a lot of spoilers over the last few days, with quite a bit taking place in the house since Xavier Prather became the Week 3 Head of Household.

Frenchie was the latest houseguest to get sent packing when the rest of the BB23 cast evicted him on an 11-1 vote. Since then, he has been answering a lot of questions, and videos of those interviews can be watched here.

Xavier won the July 22 HOH Competition and took over the power in the house. Almost immediately, it appeared very clear that one member of the BB23 cast was getting targeted for eviction.

Could the target find a way to gain safety before it was too late? The reality is that it may have been too late the moment that they were eliminated in the Week 3 HOH Competition.

A new Big Brother Wildcard Competition and Week 3 nominees

Tiffany Mitchell won the Wildcard Competition for the week, but she declined to accept safety. We will get a better feel for what was attached to her possible safety during the July 25 episode of Big Brother 23, but it was likely a punishment that she was uncomfortable putting on the house (or herself).

After Tiffany won the Wildcard Competition, things became a lot easier for Xavier, as Tiff is in several alliances with him. Her victory kept safety away from everyone who he had even considered putting up on the block.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Xavier nominated Brent Champagne and Britini D’Angelo for eviction. Fans planning to watch the July 25 episode of Big Brother 23 should be prepared to see Britini a bit frustrated again.

Who won the Big Brother Power of Veto this week?

Christian Birkenberger, Derek Frazier, and Whitney Williams were the three other houseguests who joined Xavier, Brent, and Britini in the Week 3 Veto Competition. Someone should have told Brent how important it was for him to win this POV.

It was Christian who won the Power of Veto this time, giving him the chance to really shake things up by taking someone off the block. Saving either Brent or Britini from the block would be pretty bad for his personal game, though, even if it might win him some points with one of the nominees.

Who is going home this week on Big Brother?

Brent is going home this week on Big Brother. Sure, there is always a chance that things could shift and Brent could figure out a way to save himself, but this week mirrors exactly what took place last week.

The last time around, Frenchie was a goner as soon as he lost the Veto Competition. Maybe the main difference this time, though, is that Brent is convinced he has a path to safety this week. When the reality of his situation starts to dawn on him, it will be interesting to see how he reacts to it all on the Big Brother live feeds.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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