
Big Brother recap: More tears, an important POV, and a lot of awkwardness

Christmas Abbott Was Upset On BB22
A rough weekend for Christmas Abbott was shown during the latest episode of Big Brother All-Stars. Pic credit: CBS

A new episode of Big Brother All-Stars aired on Wednesday night. This was Episode 33 from Season 22.

During the last episode, we learned that Enzo Palumbo won Head of Household and that he then nominated Christmas Abbott and Nicole Franzel for eviction.

Enzo had the first Diary Room session of the new episode, where he talked about being pleased with his nominations.

Nicole was up next with a DR, saying all that mattered was winning the Power of Veto.

Christmas had her turn, and she cried while she talked about being on her own. Later, we found out why she had been crying all day.

Cody also had a DR, where he talked about how important it was going to be for him to win the Veto Competition.

Christmas was shown sulking around the house and crying a lot after she wound up on the block. It looked like she thought that Enzo was going to protect her and that was just never going to be the case.

Nicole tried to speak to Christmas in the kitchen and got ignored before Christmas was depicted as storming out of the room without saying a word. Cody talked about Christmas “stomping around the house” and being “abrasive” again.

Luxury Competition

A special Luxury Competition was shown, and Christmas was in a really good mood, as this was pre-taped from before the Nomination Ceremony even happened.

The final four houseguests drafted the BB Comics of everyone from this season and a virtual video game showed battles between them. It was done in a tournament-style bracket.

All 16 houseguests were shown battling it out on a TV screen, with the winning BB Comics character earning their team captain $10,000.

The houseguests seemed to really enjoy watching it to begin with, but Christmas got very bitter after she was eliminated. The BB Comics character for Memphis Garrett won, leaving three of them annoyed, but Nicole Franzel won $10,000 for it.

Christmas was shown crying a lot after this challenge as well, saying that she was upset that she didn’t pick Memphis, who she now calls her “best friend.”

Last Veto Competition for Big Brother 22

Ahead of the final four houseguests playing for the Power of Veto, it looked like Enzo was rooting for Christmas to win it.

The Veto Competition had the houseguests pretend they were hamsters in the backyard. They played it in rounds, answering questions about events and what day they happened in the house.

To adjust the numbers, they had to run on a hamster wheel until they were satisfied with their guess. Running in one direction increased the number by single digits and running the opposite way increased that number by five.

Enzo was eliminated first and he was pretty frustrated about it. Christmas was eliminated second in the challenge, leaving just Cody and Nicole battling it out for the Power of Veto.

Cody won the Power of Veto. He will now get to decide whether it is Christmas or Nicole heading to the BB22 jury next.

No Veto Meeting took place and that brings an end to the Big Brother 22, Episode 33 recap.

More Big Brother news

Ratings for the show have been very good, even with episodes now airing on Monday nights. That could be part of the reason that applications for Big Brother 23 are already open.

A lot has been happening on the Big Brother live feeds as well. Cody Calafiore was seen telling fans that he is “confident” that he is going to win this season. He might be right. In our breakdown of who has won the most competitions this season, he is clearly leading the way.

Big Brother airs Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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