
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Final four set, new HOH revealed

Matt Klotz on BB25
Big Brother alum Matt Klotz is back in the real world. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother cast sent another person to the jury house.

And a new Head of Household has taken power.

Matt Klotz became the HOH during Week 13, and he nominated Felicia Cannon and Cirie Fields.

Matt was content in his Mafia alliance with Jag Bains and Bowie Jane.

Even though Matt told Cirie he would protect her, he put her on the block with her friend.

Jag won another Veto Competition, ensuring he wouldn’t get blindsided by the rest of the remaining houseguests.

Jag winning the Power of Veto also made Matt’s decision easier. He didn’t have to make a vote against Felicia or Cirie.

Who got voted out of Big Brother 25 on Thursday night?

Jag Bains and Bowie Jane were the only voters during the November 2 episode.

They had to decide whether to send Felicia Cannon or Cirie Fields to the jury.

Jag voted to evict Cirie, and Bowie Jane voted to evict Cirie.

By a vote of 2-0, Cirie Fields was evicted from the Big Brother house.

Cirie becomes the fifth BB25 jury member, joining Cameron Hardin, Cory Wurtenberger, Blue Kim, and America Lopez.

Who is the final four Head of Household on Big Brother 25?

Jag, Felicia, and Bowie Jane played in a new HOH Competition while Matt watched.

The winner of that challenge guaranteed themselves a spot in the final three.

Seven questions based on a BB25 comic book were asked of the competitors. Julie showed them pages from the comic and then asked those questions. The person who answered the most questions correctly would become the new HOH.

Bowie Jane and Jag were tied after seven questions, leading to another tiebreaker.

Bowie Jane won the Head of Household Competition. She is now part of the final three.

A bonus eviction night is coming up for the BB25 cast. Fans must tune in on a different night to see who makes the final three.

More news and notes (and drama) from Big Brother 25

Felicia reached her breaking point on the live feeds – leading to her shutting down the kitchen. For most of the season, Felicia has been cooking meals for the houseguests.

For Halloween fun, former houseguest Izzy Gleicher and her girlfriend dressed as a BB25 showmance. Their costumes even led to a response from Cory Wurtenberger’s mom.

Many other Big Brother alums also dressed up for Halloween.

Only a few episodes remain, and here is the updated BB25 schedule at CBS. It includes a bonus eviction night and a flashback episode.

Big Brother 25 is streaming on Paramount+.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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Connie Creech
Connie Creech
8 months ago

Worst season ever! To let someone be treat like those ladies were is heart breaking. And now Felicia is being treated horribly. Game or no game it’s horrible. Disappointing BB25

8 months ago
Reply to  Connie Creech

OMG they didn’t do ANYTHING this season but sit in their bathrobes and talk about everybody and think they were gunna sin that way!!!!