
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Bowie Jane’s nominations revealed

Bowie Jane BB25 HOH again
Bowie Jane became HOH on Big Brother 25 for a third time. Pic credit: CBS

The Big Brother 25 cast is moving quickly toward its final three.

On Thursday night, Cirie Fields became the newest member of the BB25 jury.

She joins Cory Wurtenberger, America Lopez, Blue Kim, and Cameron Hardin in the jury house.

That left Felicia Cannon, Bowie Jane, Jag Bains, and Matt Klotz as the final four.

Before the episode ended, Bowie Jane won her third HOH Competition of the season.

As previously reported by Monsters and Critics, Bowie Jane’s Big Brother resume looks pretty good.

Who did Bowie Jane nominate for eviction on Big Brother 25?

Late on Thursday evening, the final four houseguests had a new Nomination Ceremony.

Bowie Jane was asked to nominate two people, meaning she would have to place Matt or Jag on the block.

While she maintained that Felicia is her target this week, it is the Power of Veto winner who holds all the power. The person who wins the final Veto Competition helps decide who becomes the sixth jury member.

After talking things over with Jag and Matt, Bowie Jane came up with her nominees.

At the Week 14 Nomination Ceremony, Felicia Cannon and Matt Klotz hit the block.

This is the first time that Matt has been nominated.

Big Brother fans can predict that Felicia will have a Diary Room session where she talks about being on the block again.

Why were Big Brother nominees so quick this time?

The Big Brother episode schedule has an eviction on Sunday night (November 5). To get there, the final four houseguests have to play a sped-up week.

After the nominees on Thursday, they will play in a Veto Competition on Friday (November 3) and likely have the Veto Meeting on Saturday (November 4).

This is a slight trick by producers to ensure fans tune in for the Sunday night episode, even though it airs late on CBS.

When the Sunday installment concludes, Big Brother fans will know the final three. Only Bowie Jane has a guaranteed spot. It means she can relax a bit for the next few days.

More from Big Brother

Voting is open for America’s Favorite Houseguest. This is where the fans reward their favorite player with a $50,000 prize.

Outside the house, many Big Brother alums dressed up for Halloween. That included Izzy Gleicher and her girlfriend dressing as a BB25 showmance.

Less than a week remains until everyone learns the name of the Big Brother 25 winner.

Here is the schedule for the final BB25 episodes.

Big Brother 25 is streaming on Paramount+.

All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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Sherry McKee
Sherry McKee
8 months ago

The disgusting disrespect and personal jabs Jag Matt and Bowie spend all their time doing while hiding out in the HOH room goes against Julie’s LOVE ONE ANOTHER message she gives the world on the Live shows. Those three should be reminded we can see and hear what they say about the houseguests!! I’ve never heard so much ugliness come out of three people. Matt is terrible. Bowie is disgusting and Jag is the puppet master. They are bullies to a mom who is all alone in the comic room. She cooks for them yet they always have her name in their mouths. Why do you let them behave this way 24/7 on live feeds. Yet you make them so damn sweet on the TV SHOW?

J Johnston
J Johnston
8 months ago
Reply to  Sherry McKee

I totally agree with your comment. The disrespect is just awful and actually hurts my heart. When Julie says Love One Another who is she talking to…not those 3 morons left of BB. They have no self pride or respect for themselves….let alone anyone else. If this policy does not change I for one will no longer watch BB. There is already enough hate and bullying in this world. (Matt has even experienced this kind of behavior and said it on BB how it made him feel) Now he is one of the chief instigators. Hope you and the other 2 are making there parents proud.