
Big Brother 24 spoilers from Veto Meeting reveal final Week 4 nominees

Monte BB24 HOH Room
Monte Taylor became the Week 4 HOH on Big Brother 24. Pic credit: CBS

Big Brother 24 spoilers from the Veto Meeting reveal what took place today. And from the look of things, it will lead to some good television for upcoming episodes.

Monte Taylor is the Week 4 Head of Household, meaning The Leftovers stayed in power after evicting Ameerah Jones. Though things got a bit tricky, the alliance set up two plans, one of which will be carried out at the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.

Monte put Alyssa Snider and Indy Santos on the block during his Nomination Ceremony. He wanted to backdoor Nicole Layog but was fine if it ended up being Alyssa who got sent home first.

Kyle Capener and Daniel Durston then won the Power of Veto, meaning The Leftovers had a big choice to make. As Julie Chen Moonves previously explained, the duo rules for the BB24 cast dictate that only one person in that partnership has to want to use the Power of Veto for it to take place.

At first, The Leftovers were ready to have Kyle convince Daniel to use the POV and then have Nicole and Taylor Hale put up in the place of Alyssa and Indy. The plan that The Leftovers made public was to vote out Taylor. But really, they were going to vote out Nicole.

Then, the alliance figured it would just be better to play it safe, keep the group a secret for another week, and vote Alyssa out of the house. Only Daniel had already been talked into using the POV, so Kyle had to work on walking back that idea.

Big Brother 24 spoilers: What happened at the Veto Meeting?

Ahead of the Veto Meeting, there was some scrambling as Nicole and Daniel thought they had figured out what was happening. Monte had suggested not using the POV, and Daniel saw it as him trying to protect Taylor from going on the block.

Daniel and Kyle used the Power of Veto to save Alyssa and Indy. Monte then put Nicole and Taylor on the block as replacement nominees. At the Eviction Ceremony, it will be Taylor or Nicole going home next.

More Big Brother news

Many Big Brother fans are upset at Jasmine Davis for lounging around the house too much and expecting other houseguests to do everything for her. Jasmine opting out of challenges made it even worse for herself.

Likewise, many Big Brother alums are mad at Daniel Durston for his behavior toward Taylor Hale in the house. When he yelled at her in the bathroom, it led to a big backlash on social media.

And speaking of social media, Paloma Aguilar made a new video accusing Taylor of being the BB24 bully. She also wanted to make sure to tell fans that she doesn’t care what they think about her.

Just two more people need to be evicted before the Big Brother 24 jury starts forming. It will be very interesting to see how people approach Week 5 in the house and if there are any new twists that the duos have to deal with.

Big Brother 24 airs Sundays at 8/7c, Wednesdays at 8/7c, and Thursdays at 9/8c on CBS.

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