
Big Brother 23 showmance drama: Couple nervous about BB23 cast reaction

Frenchie On Big Brother 2021
Frenchie may have seen a Big Brother 23 showmance coming. Pic credit: CBS

A Big Brother 23 showmance is drawing the attention of live feed subscribers as the couple tries to make excuses to spend time alone in the house.

Fans of Frenchie are going to be pretty frustrated when this particular showmance gets featured on a future episode of the show, especially since he had predicted that it could become a problem relatively soon.

Last week, we reported on all the showmances that were surfacing on the BB23 cast. But the one we are referencing here is going on between Alyssa Lopez and Christian Birkenberger.

Back in Week 1, Frenchie accused Alyssa and Christian of already being in a showmance, even though they hadn’t been in one. They had simply been seen chatting with one another and Frenchie got a bit paranoid. When he accused them of being in that showmance, he may have inadvertently even pushed them together.

The Alyssa and Christian showmance drama

Alyssa and Christian have been seen on the Big Brother live feeds kissing quite a bit. They have regular make out sessions when they are alone, and, for the most part, they have been trying to keep it under wraps. But they are doing so rather badly.

In the clip below, Azah Awasum is seen catching them in the act. It wasn’t the first time that another member of the BB23 cast caught them, and it likely won’t be the last one either.

Another important instance to point out was when Head of Household Xavier Prather saw them making out. He definitely filed away that information as something to keep an eye on.

At other times, they have asked other houseguests to leave a room so that they can “chat” with each other. Probably a bad move.

Alyssa and Christian deny the Big Brother showmance

Alyssa seems very concerned that she and Christian are going to become targets due to their showmance. She keeps bringing up to other people that they are just friends and that they aren’t really together, even when she isn’t asked to talk about it.

From a viewer’s standpoint, Alyssa and Christian are acting rather guilty, even if they really have nothing to hide with their showmance. If they just went about their business and had a few kisses here and there, people wouldn’t pay too much attention. But they keep making it a topic of conversation, and, eventually, a future HOH may use it against them.

Big Brother spoilers from Week 3

We have a few Big Brother spoilers that show Alyssa and Christian are going to be safe this week. Now, they just need to work at staying off the radar of other houseguests as Week 4 starts to approach.

Neither one is on the block and Xavier has a primary target for eviction heading toward the next “live” episode. The Veto Competition has already been played and the nominees are locked in place, especially since it was Christian who won the Power of Veto this week.

This is one Big Brother showmance to keep an eye on in the coming weeks because while they are safe for now, Alyssa and Christian could become targets due to their in-your-face duo status.

And in regard to Frenchie, he just gave a new interview where he may have predicted the Big Brother 23 winner.

Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

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