Big Brother 23, Episode 4 airs tonight on CBS. It is an episode that will include the first Eviction Ceremony for the BB23 cast, so there is a lot on the line for the 16 brand-new houseguests.
On the last episode of Big Brother, viewers saw who won the Power of Veto, and that was Derek Xiao. He was one of the extra players that got to join Head of Household Frenchie and nominees Kyland Young and Alyssa Lopez in the challenge.
Derek X used the POV to save Kyland, and Frenchie then named Travis Long as the replacement nominee. For some reason, the CBS episode didn’t show how Kyland and Derek X are working together, but maybe the producers are saving that for a different episode.
Now, it is time for the BB23 cast to decide whether it is Alyssa or Travis who gets voted off Big Brother first this summer. A large chunk of the episode will likely be devoted to people figuring out how they want to vote, even though the Big Brother live feeds seem to have indicated it was a quick choice.
What time is Big Brother on CBS tonight?
Episode 4 of the summer 2021 season will air at 8/7c on the night of Thursday, July 15. Make sure to note that the eviction episodes are an hour earlier than they have been in the past.
The first Eviction Ceremony for Big Brother 23
Thirteen houseguests are going to place a vote during the live episode hosted by Julie Chen Moonves. They have to vote for either Alyssa or Travis, and then that evictee is going to get an exit interview with Julie.
A new Head of Household for the Big Brother 23 cast
Once someone has been evicted from the game, it will be time to play another Head of Household Competition. By the end of the challenge, a new person will be in charge of the game and a team will have been deemed safe for the week.
Since the BB23 cast has to play a new Wildcard Competition and take part in a Nomination Ceremony on Friday (July 16), we expect this HOH Competition to be completed during the episode.
The Big Brother live feeds could then become very interesting late on Thursday evening because, without Frenchie in charge of the game, things could shift very quickly. Frenchie made a lot of alliances (the full list can be seen here), but will it be enough to keep him safe in Week 2?
Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.
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