
Queen Elizabeth confirms Prince Harry and Meghan will lose military titles, royal patronages

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle just after being wed
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are having to say goodbye to their honorary titles and Royal Patronages. Pic credit: ©

Queen Elizabeth has confirmed that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be losing their honorary military appointments and Royal patronages.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex took a step back from royal duties last year, but it was decided that their honorary titles and patronages would be put on hold pending a yearly review of the situation.

However, it seems to be bad news for the Sussexes as they are to be revoked.

This morning Buckingham Palace released a statement saying Harry had confirmed to his grandmother that he and Meghan would not be returning as working members of the Royal Family and would, therefore, be unable to “continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service.”

The statement clarified that Meghan and Harry’s honorary military appointments and Royal patronages would now be returned to Her Majesty to be “redistributed among working members of the Royal Family.

The Palace also said that all were saddened by Sussexes’ decision not to return to the fold but that Harry and Meghan would remain as “much-loved members of the family.”

Which titles will Meghan and Harry lose?

All this means Harry will be saying goodbye to his beloved military titles. He will no longer hold the roles of Captain General of the Royal Marines, Honorary Air Commandant of RAF Honington, and Commodore-in-Chief, Small Ships and Diving.

The Duke has always been fiercely proud of his military service; he spent ten years in the British Military and even conducted two tours of Afghanistan. Earlier this month, he vowed to fight for his military titles, but it seems it wasn’t to be.

Meghan will be losing her status as patron to The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, The Association of Commonwealth Universities, and The Royal National Theatre.

That National Theatre position was considered a big deal when initially awarded to Meghan. The role had been managed by the Queen herself for 45 years, and it was seen as a massive vote of confidence in the young Duchess.

Harry will also lose out on his roles as patron for The Rugby Football Union and The Rugby Football League.

The Royal Family is insistent that these roles and titles can only belong to Royal Family members who are officially employed by Buckingham Palace. It’s thought the Family fears that the Sussexes may use these roles to promote personal ventures such as Netflix documentaries or appearances on US Talk Shows.

Harry and Meghan will still be Duke and Duchess of Sussex

The couple will retain their Duke and Duchess of Sussex title and the His/Her Highness titles, however. And Prince Harry will still be a Prince.

Harry is expected to return to England this summer to celebrate his grandfather’s birthday, when Prince Philip — who is currently in hospital — turns 100 on June 10. Harry is also expected to attend the unveiling of a statue to his late mother, Princess Diana, at Kensington Palace.

It’s thought that Meghan will remain at home in Los Angeles with Archie. She is expected to give birth to their second child at around the same time as Philip’s birthday.

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