Below Deck Mediterranean recap: The many faces of Bugsy edition

This week, Below Deck Mediterranean opens with Hannah hooking up with primary charter guest Jason in the master suite. He’s also one of the “most eligible bachelors” in Dallas, so maybe he’s totally worth risking her job. Hannah sneaks back into her room in the wee hours, and first thing the next morning, Bugsy rats

Read flirty messages Hannah Ferrier sent millionaire charter guest on Below Deck Med

Hannah Ferrier gets caught totally breaking yachtie code on this week’s Below Deck Mediterranean — by sending flirty and revealing messages to a charter guest. Read some of the messages she sent using Facebook Messenger below, which are shown on this week’s episode of the Bravo show. They come after Hannah did some serious flirting

Fairy tale challenges on Face Off as Elizabeth Mitchell guest judges

This week on Face Off the teams are tasked with some fairy tale characters as actress Elizabeth Mitchell guest judges. The teams are always super-competitive but this week there is a bit of a twist. Will Twisted Six  be able to beat their run of losing and show Ethereal Effects how it’s done? Well they will

Amy Roloff dishes on her dating life on Little People, Big World

This week on Little People, Big World, Amy Roloff dishes to her friends about her dating life is going  and Zach and Tori are counting the days. Amy really seems to have taken to life after Matt pretty well, it has taken a while but she has really found her stride with getting back into

Deadliest Catch exclusive: Wild Bill and Summer Bay crew in teeth of massive storm

This week on Deadliest catch,  a ferocious storm builds out in the Bering Sea as Captain “Wild” Bill Wichrowski navigates while his Summer Bay crew fight the elements and pull up pot after pot of disappointing live crab yields. Confirming the captain’s fear, the codfish delay has given the dreaded storm time to build. Now,

Boyce risks freezing in the river for gold on Devil’s Canyon exclusive clip

On this week’s Devil’s Canyon, gold miner Boyce Goff risks his life in sub-freezing weather to venture into a fast-moving river in a bid to reach the other side. He’s convinced there is gold “over there.” Boyce says: “I’m gonna cross the river. I’ve got to do it soon. Wait too much longer and it’s