
Who was nominated on Big Brother? New HOH has a plan

BB21 Cast Having Fun
The Big Brother 21 cast was shown having fun on the live feeds. Pic credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

The names of who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother this week will officially play out on Friday night. That’s when the new Head of Household hosts the Nomination Ceremony. But she is ready now.

As revealed on the live feeds late Thursday night, the BB21 cast has a new HOH. Jessica Milagros won the challenge, taking over the power in the game. She immediately got to work on her nominees.

Somehow, the Six Shooters alliance got back to working together at the latest Eviction Ceremony, voting unanimously to evict Sam Smith. But there are fractures due to some infighting that could be bad for all six of them.

Late Thursday evening and early Friday morning, Jessica was discussing who she would nominate for eviction.

Who was nominated on Big Brother?

The official nominees are getting revealed later on Friday, but Jessica has a plan. She told her close friends in the house that she will nominate Jack Matthews and Jackson Michie for eviction.

Jessica’s primary target is Jack, but that might be difficult due to who he is aligned. This scenario is similar to what happened when Cliff Hogg was HOH.

If Jessica nominates Jack and Jackson, Christie Murphy could use her secret power. With so many people from the Six Shooters alliance still in the game, that could lead to Jessica wasting her HOH powers.

Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.


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