Garrick Merrifield of Seeking Sister Wife isn’t exactly a fan favorite on the show, and after the show’s latest preview clip aired, fans accused him of scamming his first wife, Dannielle, and urged her to leave him.
While Garrick and Dannielle were in Mexico visiting with their future sister wife, Roberta, they celebrated the Brazilian native’s birthday with an outdoor dinner by the water as the couple sang happy birthday to her as a waiter brought her cake.
The threesome got emotional, as Roberta was scheduled to return back to her home country shortly after, and would be separated while they await news of Roberta’s K-1 visa approval or denial.
Fans of the show haven’t been particularly fond of Garrick
One fan felt that Dannielle will be used to take care of the house and kids and that Garrick may even leave her to be exclusive with Roberta eventually.
“Danielle is going to turn out to be the housekeeper/nanny her husband is not into her at all. She was crazy to divorce him, I could see them getting rid of her in time,” they commented.
Another fan of the show called Garrick ‘cruel’ and accused him of scamming Dannielle
“He’s cruel and 100% only into Roberta. He’s scamming wife #1 with wife#2 participating!!” One fan exclaimed.
Another fan was appalled that Garrick and Roberta had sex so soon while Dannielle slept in an adjacent room.

“Your crazy for adding Bert to your family as soon as you do he is going to push you his wife out,” another wrote. “I think he is being very selfish. He shouldn’t have even had sex with her yet. That’s disrespectful and disgusting to you. He divorced you to get her a green card. Nope not me liar”
Another fan told Garrick’s ex-wife, “Run Danielle Run !!”
This isn’t the first time fans of the show have expressed their dislike of Garrick and concern for Dannielle
Since fans of the show first met the Merrifields this season on Seeking Sister Wife, many of them have felt as though Garrick uses religion as an excuse to sleep with multiple women.

Other fans of the show have admitted that they find the 37-year-old polygamous husband downright creepy. Garrick and Dannielle were married for over 12 years before Garrick persuaded Dannielle to accept polygamy, as he felt a religious calling to the untraditional form of marriage.

Since the Merrifield’s potential sister wife, Roberta, is a Brazilian citizen who only speaks Portuguese, they visit each other periodically in Mexico, a halfway point between Colorado and Brazil, and they use a translation app to communicate.
Some fans found a similarity between Garrick and Dannielle’s relationship and that of Kody and Meri Brown. Except for the K-1 visa, Meri Brown divorced Kody for a similar reason, so that he could legally marry Robyn Brown, but for the purpose of adopting her children.
Dannielle has expressed her concerns about being left alone.
“It is scary,” Danielle confessed. “If Garrick leaves me and runs off with Roberta, I could be left with nothing. I just have to trust that Garrick’s not leaving me and that living a plural lifestyle is about building our family.”
Seeking Sister Wife airs on Mondays at 8/7c on TLC.
Garrick is a liar and a sick SOB. I feel sorry for Dannielle. It is painfully obvious the only reason why Dannielle agreed to this horrible arrangement was to appease Garrick. I’m not against polygamy, but Garrick just wants another sex partner besides Dannielle. When Garrick started crying on TV about how he misses Burt to Dannielle, I just wanted to throw up. This was not God’s doing. Garrick is a selfish prick.
I am so tired of hearing Garrick say, “well this is part of plural marriage/life style. Dannielle needs to leave him now that she has her freedom. He’s only interested in Roberta and it’s creepy
I think Garrick is gay and in denial