
Maria reveals why she voted for Kenzie on Survivor 46 finale

Maria Survivor 46
Maria Gonzalez made it to the finals six on the Survivor 46 cast. Pic credit: Robert Voets/CBS

Survivor 46 castaways Maria Gonzalez and Charlie Davis seemed attached at the hip for a while.

The duo got along well at Siga Tribe, riding a wave of early success for most of the season.

Maria and Charlie were key votes behind many of the blindsides in Fiji, including several where players left the game with Immunity Idols in their pockets.

But each of them also gave confessionals about planning to target the other – while also talking about how much they respected each other’s game.

Maria had a plan with Q Burdette to blindside Charlie after she won Individual Immunity, but Charlie worked with the remaining players to get out Q instead.

Kenzie Petty won the Immunity Challenge at the final five, and Charlie helped vote out Maria. But it seemed like Maria and Charlie were still supportive of each other.

So when Maria voted for Kenzie to win the $1 million prize, many Survivor fans were shocked.

Why did Maria vote for Kenzie to win Survivor 46?

“Okay, just to be clear, I was one of five votes. So only one person needed to vote differently. I have so much respect for Charlie. Charlie’s game and my game, of course, I’m proud of mine, and I know he’s proud of his,” Maria told Parade when asked about telling Charlie that he had her vote.

It appeared that Maria was sidestepping her role in helping Kenzie win, especially after Ben Katzman indicated he would have voted for Charlie to win.

“I think what it ultimately came down to was watching Kenzie make fire just lit a fire in me. I saw it in her eyes. I saw the fight. And as a woman who has fought for so many things, just something sparked inside of me when I saw her win and believe in herself,” Maria elaborated.

So did Charlie make a mistake by letting Kenzie be in the Fire Challenge? If Maria was honest with her answer, he did, because Maria also added that she was going back and forth between Charlie and Kenzie as she prepared to vote.

More from Survivor 46 and Survivor 47

Survivor 46 winner Kenzie Petty is pregnant. She announced that a baby was on the way with her husband.

Venus Vafa is also feuding with a New York City landmark. The surprising social media feud recently began on X.

The first Survivor 47 television promo was also released here. It reveals many of the new players who are competing in Fiji.

Past seasons of Survivor are streaming on Paramount+. That includes Survivor 40, where a $2 million prize was on the line.

Survivor 47 debuts in the fall of 2024 on CBS.

All episodes of Survivor are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!

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