
Love Island USA’s Shannon canceled by Twitter fans following distasteful racial joke

Shannon St Clair on Love Island USA
Shannon St Clair on Love Island USA. Pic credit: CBS

Everyone watching Love Island USA on Wednesday night was paying close attention to Cinco making the decision to dump Cash for Trina.

After this happened, many fans showed their displeasure for the Cinco and Trina relationship and planned to vote against them any chance they get.

However, another moment from The Drop that hit Paramount+ after that made fans turn on someone else in the episode.

Fans on Twitter chose to cancel Shannon St Clair after she made what many deemed an inappropriate and distasteful joke during a moment where Isaiah was kissing another competitor.

What did Shannon say to Isaiah on Love Island USA?

The Love Island USA cast was involved in some fun play where the cast passed around a box, and whoever held it had to pull out a note and perform a task in it.

Toward the end of The Drop episode (around the 40-minute mark), Roxy was stuck with the box and had to give a big kiss to one of the guys.

She chose Isaiah and had him lift his arms so she could take complete control of the kiss.

Someone told Isaiah to drop to his knees, and as he was standing there, with Roxy slowing going from his belly up to his face, Shannon yelled out, “hands up, don’t shoot.”

What does Hands Up, Don’t Shoot refer to?

“Hands up, don’t shoot” is the slogan and rallying cry that rose after the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.

The slogan shows that a person has their hands up, is not a threat, and is surrendering to the police. Many witnesses claimed this is what Brown was doing before his murder.

The slogan became a rallying cry for people standing up against police brutality.

Twitter wants Shannon canceled

Isaiah is a Black man, making Shannon’s “hands up, don’t shoot” joke even worse.

Love Island USA fans on Twitter were not amused.

Twitter user mimi pointed out the joke immediately.

“In case yall didn’t catch Shannon’s police brutality joke . ‘Hands up don’t shoot,'” she wrote.

“Something about a white girl telling black[sic] man to put his hands up and don’t shoot just don’t sit right with me,” wrote Twitter user arisa.

Twitter user Darri H declared that the comment makes Shannon look racist.

“Really Shannon?? ‘Hands up don’t shoot’ making a joke off black peoples pain and brutality. That sh*t is not funny! She look racist so I shoulda known,” Darri H wrote.

With Cinco and Trina quickly becoming villains, and fans turning on both Shannon and Josh, this season of Love Island USA has started to really build up the drama and what happens next is anyone’s guess.

Love Island USA Season 3 airs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sundays at 9/8c on CBS.

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