
Evel Dick Donato has idea for first HOH Competition on BB25

Evel Dick BB8
Evel Dick Donato loves coming up with ideas to improve Big Brother. Pic credit: Cliff Lipson/CBS

Big Brother 8 winner Evel Dick Donato has an amusing idea for a Head of Household Competition on the show.

Taking to social media, Evel shared what he thought would be a fun challenge for the BB25 cast to undertake.

Each summer, a new group of houseguests enters the Big Brother house, with the producers using some form of a challenge or competition to decide which group member will be in charge during that first week.

Becoming the first HOH comes with many risks, but having power right out of the gate can also put a player on an excellent trajectory to make it to the end.

Sometimes, those challenges can be a tad boring. Other times, the selection process seems downright odd.

Well, Evel has a challenge that could level the playing field in a pretty amusing way.

An idea for the first BB25 HOH Competition

“Can they please make this a comp for the first HOH of BB25?” wrote Evel Dick Donato as the caption for a video he shared.

In the video below, we see groups of people wandering around a field while wearing bubble suits. Meanwhile, a bull is chasing after all of them.

There are many names for the plastic devices that people are wearing in the video, including bumper balls, bubble balls, and even human hamster balls.

Wouldn’t it just make sense for the Big Brother hamsters to wear these suits during a challenge that could become must-see television?

Back to reality for Big Brother 25

In reality, the Big Brother producers are pretty unlikely to ever do a challenge like this one, especially since there are some big safety risks.

At the same time, it sure would be interesting to see which houseguests would want to win the challenge the most by taking on those bulls.

It would also be more exciting than watching a cast of All-Stars running across springs. That might have been one of the most cringe-worthy challenges we have seen in a long time on the show.

World of Big Brother news

A Big Brother feud has been taking place between alums from BB20 and BBOTT, with net worths getting argued in the open.

And a Big Brother 21 alum is getting married, with the former AFH looking at wedding venues.

For anyone hoping to appear on the show, producers are about to start putting the Big Brother 25 cast together. A $750,000 prize is on the line for the person who can make it all the way to the end of this summer.

Big Brother 25 airs in Summer of 2023 on CBS.

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