
Cirie Fields has had enough of Jag Bains and flips him off on Big Brother live feeds

Cirie Fields playing Big Brother
Cirie Fields may be trying to play Big Brother too hard. Pic credit: CBS

After almost 90 days of Big Brother 25, Cirie Fields is done.

Even though Cirie has stated that she wanted to go home and tried to get Jared Fields to send her home, she has toughed it out.

Most of the time, Cirie is courteous to people and only talks badly about them behind their backs.

But it is now clear that Cirie is worn out with playing this game, especially after what happened with the latest Nomination Ceremony.

Some spoilers are revealed below from the Big Brother live feeds, including who won the latest Head of Household Competition.

Cirie is also shown reacting to recent gameplay by other houseguests.

Cirie Fields is upset about getting nominated

Matt Klotz won the HOH Competition, and he nominated Cirie for eviction.

This was after Matt told Cirie that he would never put her on the block.

She seemed pretty upset about it despite calling Matt a snake earlier in the season.

While spending time in the backyard early on Saturday (October 28), Jag was shown cuddling up to Cirie. Or at least he tried to.

She was not interested in it, and while it was slightly played off as a joke, her face showed that she was pretty serious about her message.

Cirie flips off Jag on Big Brother live feeds

Jag was giving Cirie a morning hug on Saturday, and she made her thoughts very clear behind his back.

Since she is on the nomination block, she has to watch what she says, but her middle finger did all the talking for her on this day. And the live feed viewers got to see all of it.

This is roughly the same reaction that America Lopez and Blue Kim gave him as he was tucking them into bed the night before the Double Eviction.

If nothing else, that hug between Jag and Cirie will make for some good television during an upcoming episode, especially if she finds a way to survive being on the block again.

More from Big Brother 25

America went after Bowie Jane in a new exit interview. America is not a fan of the former lawyer and disc jockey.

Blue Kim claimed Felicia was the best Big Brother player in an interview. She has high praise for Felicia, but is it because she believes this is Jared’s mom?

And a special eviction episode was added to the BB25 TV schedule. The producers are forcing fans to watch on a new night for that live content.

Big Brother 25 airs Sunday at 10/9, Tuesday at 8/7c, and Thursday at 9/8c on CBS.

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